Page 587 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 587

             brothers, Sa&d and Abdulla, and his son Turki, his brother Muhammad arriv­
             ing some days later. He was acoompanied by two of^ his relatives, Abdul
             Aziz-bin-Missa’ad-al-Jaloi and Abdul Aziz-bin-Turki. The ‘Bin Saud
             family, who were all very pleasant, together with Shaikh Mubarak and his
             son, Hamad, dined with the Political Agent, it being the first occasion on
             which these members of the ruling Wahabi house had met a European.
             Shaikh Mubarak gave to Bin Saud and his party presents said to be worth
             some $20,000.
                 The object of Bin Saud’s visit was to clear up some misunderstanding
             between Shaikh Mubarak and himself, for a report had reached him that
             Shaikh Mubarak believed that several raids, -committed by the Ajman tribes­
             men during the previous year, had Bin Saud’s approval.
                 Ajman Shaikh's visit.—A few days before Bin Saud’s arrival 16 Shaikhs
             of the Ajman tribe arrived in Kuwait, the chief of them being the late
             Muhammad-bin-Hithlain and Ma’ana-bin-Juma. They were sent in by Bin
             Saud to make their peace with Shaikh Mubarak and offer their services for
             his raid against the Thaffir and Muntafik.
                 Shaikhs from Hail.—On the 7th November Faisal-bin-Hamud-ul-Obeid-
             ar-Rashid arrived in Kuwait from El Hasa and, on 2nd December, was
             followed by Shaikh Thari, his elder brother, from Maskat. These two
             Shaikhs, with whom the Political Agent exchanged visits, have remained in
             Kuwait to the date of this report, and appear to have spent the last three
             years begging other chiefs to assist them in some intrigue to oust the present
             ruler of Hail and Jebel Shammar but without obtaining much encourage­
                 Bahrain Shoilhs.—Shaikhs Muhammad-bin-Esa-al-Khalifa, second son
             of the Shaikh of Bahrain, visited Kuwait, in December, for hawking in the
             desert, returning to Bahrain after a stay of about a fortnight-
                 A large number of Bedouin Shaikhs have visited the Political Agent
             during the year, the more notable among them being Fahad-bin-Hithlain,"tbe
             present, chief Shaikh of the Ajman tribe with Thaidan, his Wazir and
             Maana-bin-Juma; Faisal-bin-Sultan-ud-Dowish, Shaikh of the Untair toge­
             ther with a number of the minor Umtair Shaikhs, Shaikh Muhammad "as
             Sagh-bin-Fahad of the A1 Morrah, and several others.
                 Affairs in Najd were much disturbed in the early part of the year with
                       Naid Affairs.        ™n>: dis2uiet>ng sports of raids and
                                            fighting, but, towards the end, a truce
             between Bin Saud and Ibn Rashid has done much to restore order, and cara­
             vans are now moving confidently into the interior.
                 Ibn Rashid's Raids.—In March, Ibn Rashid was reported as having
             successfully raided the Anaiza in the Faiylan valley to the north-east of Hail
             near Jamaimujah, after three days’ continuous fighting in which there were
             500 casualties and the Anaiza lost all their belongings, some 2,000 tents and
             70 slaves. Ibn Rashid had on his side the Ataiba, two sections of the Umtair
             and the Shammar and was opposed by all the Anaiza led by Shaikh Nuri-hin-
             Sha’alan of the Rowalah.
                In May, a report came in that Ibn Rashid had raided successfully on the
            west of Bin Saud’s country; that lie had reached Shibermah, three "or four
            days south of Boraida. and seized Bin Saud’s “ bait-al-Mal ” (treasury) there
             and returned to Hail leaving letters to the people of Kasim that he was now
            their over-lord as Bin Saud had deserted them and their well-bein" for
             Mubarak-as-Subah. These letters were forwarded to Bin Saud to Jahara
             and, on their receipt, he left for Riadh oid A1 Awaina wells
                It would appear that Ibn Rashid’s power has been on the
             Uowalah Aniza took Jauf-al-Amir in 1909.             wane since the
            v TJt? irat7 “9ne, of the most disturbing factors in Naid politics ha*
            been the effort made by the Aulad-as-Saud (nephews of the
              Bin Saud ) generally and collectively named “ A1 Araif,” to overthrow the

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