Page 585 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 585
Summary of Civil cases Jrom 1st January to 31st December 1910.
ItIBtOSED or WITHOUT Referred to
WITNESSES. Qazi (mostly'
matrimonial Referred to
and succession S&lifa Court,
Referred to I dispute*, or Agency
Parties. Medjliw both parties Munshi Total.
Claim ad Claim with consenting), watching
mitted and drawn. al* t rfi. Agoncy t.ho
settled. ?i!un«hi case.
watching tho
Both parties British • 8 3 4 m Nil 15
British and Bahrainis S6 33 24 Nil Nil 93
British and foreigners 25 41 19 7 Nil 92
Bahrainis and foreigners 141 205 36 33 01 4S1
Both parties foreigners 114 93 20 40 43 321
Total 324 SSO 109 85 104 1,002
Summary of Criminal cases Jrom 1st January to 31st December 1910.
Disposed or with
out becosdiso Referred to
evidence. Qazi with the
consent of Investigated
Tried undo: both parties, by Joint
Parties. Indian Agency Court (Politi Total.
cal Agent and
Charge Case Pensl Code. alunstu Shaikh's
with compro watching official).
drawn. mised. the
Both parties British . 2 5 5 Nil Nil 12
British and Bahrainis 2 Nil 1 2 1 €
British and foreigners 3 2 m 16 7 28
Bahrainis and foreigners 37 24 Nil 35 27 123
Both parties foreigners 70 39 Nil 63 23 195
Tot^l 114 70 6 116 58 364