Page 582 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 582
Colonel P. Z. Cox, C.S.I., C.I.E., Political Resident in tbo Persian Gulf,
visited Bahrain in August and the cus
VitiU of official*. tomary exohange of visits took place be
tween him and the Shaikh.
Captain W. H. I. Shakespear, I.A., Political Agent, Kuwait, visited
Bahrain in the Kuwait Agency Launch “ Lewis Pelly ” in August
Dr. Nabelek, a Hungarian Professor, visited Bahrain, in February, and
was a guest of the Political Agent Hip
Other European*.
chief object seemed to be the study of
Botany and Geology.
Wj. R. L. Hoare, Manager of British American, Tobacco Company,
Karachi, visited Bahrain in March in connection with his business,
Mr. V. Rosenthal, French Pearl merchant of Paris, paid his fifth annual
visit to. Bahrain, in June, and after making his purchases of pearls left for
China, on 22nd October.
In March, the Political Agent visited Zubara, Hawara-, Zakhnuniyah and
Agariah in the Agency Steam Launch
Movements of the Political Agent.
“ Bahrain.”
In April, the Political Agent paid a. friendly visit, to the outlying villages,
In July, the Political Agent visited the Pearl Banks in the Steam Launch
“ Bahrain.”
Captain. C. F. Mackenzie, I.A., held charge of the Agency up to 17th
November on which date he was relieved
Official changes.
by Major S. G. Knox, C.I.E., who held
charge till the end of the. year.
The Turkish man-of-war “ Mannaris”
visited Doha in March 1610.
The..Turkish garrison- of Doha of 2G0 soldiers has been reduced to 60
Nasir-tin-Shahin-al-Tuwar, headman- of Fuwairat, came to Bahrain
during the year, and made an amicable arrangement with his creditors pro
mising .to.ssttb their claims at the close of the pearling season. It is now two
months since the pearling season closed and he. has not yet fulfilled his promise
which, he. probably will.not keep, unless pressure is brought to bear upon him.
In June, some Bedouin robbers of Hasa carried off five water camels from
Doha. They were unsuccessfully pursued by Shaikh Qasim’s men.
Shaikh Qasim then reported the incident to Hakkey Beg, Commander of
the Hasa. Garrison, with the result that the latter tracked the Bedouin rob
bers, recovered the five camels and restored them to Shaikh Qasim.
The people of Bu Kuwara and Dhain villages of Qatar are dissatisfied
with Shaikh Abdullab-bin-Qasim-ai-Thani on account of latter’s oppressive
taxation on boats.
In September, the German firm of Bahrain sent one of their big sailing
boats to Doha to purchase shells. Shaikh Abdullah-bin-Qasim, Governor of
Doha, thereupon sent round criers forbidding his subjects to deal with the
Germans. On some of his subjects asking him the rcasoD for this step, Shaikh
Abdullah stated that the- German’s action against Shaikh Ali-bin-Ahmed-al-
Khalifa in Bahrain was not forgotten.
Peace reigned throughout the. Peninsula during the year, which may
chiefly be ascribed to two successive prosperous pearling seasons.
The. environs of Hasa were disturbed by the usual Bedouin raids, among
which the following may be selected for special mention.
In June, the rebellious, members, of the Bin Saud family, raided the vil
lage Ashir, west of Hasa, and looted
H&w, Qajft anfl; thp. v}iaopqt tribal terri
tories.. * camels and sheep of the Ajman, Aj
Moira and Dowasir who were encamped
there. The casualties on both sides were about 20 killed and. injured.