Page 584 - PERSIAN 5 1905_1911
P. 584
Chetan Mai Tarachand, member of the leading Hindu firm of Bahrain,
Messrs. Gnngaram Tikamdas & Co., proceeded to Qatif, in June, to open a
shop there. He returned in August. Total value of trade ciQnc approxi
mately Rs. 70,000.
He again went to Qatif and finally returned in November in rather poor
From all the Political Agent has been able to learn from other Hindu
traders he has done well, and is perfectly satisfied with the treatment he has
received at the hands of the Turkish Authorities.
In September, Saud-bin-Abdul Aziz-al-Araif and his brother, who have
rebelled against Bin Saud, took possession of Hariq, entered the district of
Kharaj and turned Bin Saud’s men out of it.
Bin Saud soon started after his relations and turned them out of Hariq.
The latter then went to Hotah, but the inhabitants did nofallow them to enter
for fear of Bin Saud. They then entered Saib taking with them some
Hazazinah but Bin Saud’s Governor Saib attacked them, killed 25 Hazazinah
and turned out the A1 Araif. Lastly, the A1 Araif tried to enter Slayal but
the people of that town refused to allow them to do so and they are now said
to have dispersed, some have gone to Mecca and others to Hasa'and Qatar.
In September, the Sharif of Mecca with his forces invaded the province
of Qasim chiefly with a view to settling once for all the question of jurisdic
tion over the said province.
The Sharif’s first action, after arriving at Qasim, was to imprison Sad-
bin-Abdur Rahman, brother of Bin Saud, as well as the Shaikh of the Ataiba
Bedouin who is a friend of Bin Saud and resides in Qasim.
On receipt of this intelligence, Bin Saud at once marched with a strong
force to meet Sharif.
The Sharif and Bin Saud, after an exchange of views, came to an
amicable settlement over Qasim and, according to the Egyptian paper n A1
Manar,” the following are the terms of settlement:—
(1) The Ataiba are not to be interfered with in any way whatever
whether when settled or on the march, and no dikat will be levied
from them nor will there be any interference on the plea of
Khalifa, i.e., Chieftainship.
(2) Baj (tax of dollars 2 per camel) will not be levied from them, in
any form whatever, on account of any village they may have
built If they do anything wrong, report should be made to
the Sharif.
(3) Abdul Aziz-bin-Saud will obey the Sharif of Mecca in all that he
may order in accordance with the rights and benefits of the
Turkish Government.
(4) Qasim, i.e., Buraida and other towns, is left at the disposal of its
inhabitants. If they choose Abdul Aziz-bin-Saud, the writer of
this agreement, they may remain at his orders and pay 3,000
Majidis to the Government Treasury at Mecca yearly. If no
communication (mathbata) is received from them, then an Amir
will be appointed over them with thefr approval. But the said
tax will have to be paid in any case. The mathbata will be
awaited until the end of Shawwal 1328.
% A caravan of 500 camels, consisting of wool and ghee, on its way from
Najd to Hasa, was unsuccessfully attacked by the Al-Arjah section of the
Ajman tribe. The casualties on both sides amounted to 20 men.