Page 11 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 11


                         ADMINISTRATION REPORT

                                        OP THB


                          MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY


                           Past I.-GENERAL SUMMARY.

              After a tenure of office extending, with only two breaks, over a period of
          more than eighteen years, Colonel Ross was relieved by Major Talbot on the
          2fiih March last and proceeded to England on two years* furlough.

                               1.—’OMAN-MUSCAT STATE.
             The annual report of the Muscat State has been drawn up by Colonel
          Uockler, and forms Part II of this compilation. The chief events of the year
          have been the plunder of a caravan in November, by some tribes of the Semail
         valley, which resulted in the closure of the trade routes from the Sharkiyah for
         several months, and the destruction by fire of a portion of the Khaboorah bazar
         in Pebruary last; the circumstances of this latter incident are under reference
         to the Government of India.
             A new commercial treaty with Muscat was signed towards the close of
         the last official year.
             The export returns show that the unsettled state of the country has affect­
         ed trade, for, excluding a larger specie remittance than usual, which swells
         the total, the value of produce shipped is markedly less than in the previous
             A destructive cyclone in June, accompanied by a high tidal wave, did
         much damage to the town of Muscat, aud many houses are still in ruins.

                             8.—’OMAN PIRATE COAST.
             The confederacy between the Chiefs of Ras«ul-Khaimah, Um-ul-Kawain,
         and Shargah, mentioned in the last report, was still in force at the commence­
         ment of this year, when the three former Chiefs visited Shargah. They were
         joined by the Chief of Ajman, who was believed to intend taking a more active
         part than hitherto in the support of the Jow&sim against Debay.
             The Chief of Ras-ul-Khaimah, in concert with some of the lading man
         at Shargah, endeavoured to arrange terms of peace with Debay, the Chief of
         which had recently sent a declaration of war against Shargah. This, however,
         sms against the wishes of the Chief of 8hargah, and the Residency Agent, who
         had been consulted by them in the matter, was unable to more in it
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