Page 9 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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No. 122 of 1891.

                 Major A. 0. TALBOT, G.I.E.,
                          Officiating Political Resident in the Persian Gulf and
                             Eer Britannic Majesty's Consul-General for Fart,

                  The SECRETARY to the GOVERNMENT of INDIA,
                                                       Foreign Department,

                                                  Bushire, the 20th July 1S91.


                  I have the honour to submit the Annual Administration Report of this
          Residency for the year 1890-91, arranged as follows:—
                   Part I.—General Summary.
                        Appendix A.—Genealogical Table of the Bathtiyari Chieftains.
                           „ • B.—A brief aocooni of the tribe in the District «£ Psshfcc-Loah.
                            „   C.—Meteorologies! Tables.
                   Past IL—Report on Muscat Affairs, bj Colonel EL Moekkc.
                   Part III.—Trade Report of Persian Gulf for ISM.
                          Appendix A.—Tabular Statistics.
                   Part IV.—Trade Report of Muscat.
                        ' Appendix A.—Tabular Statistics.
                   Part V.—Trade Report of Mohammerah.

                                        I have the honour to be,

                                          Your most obedient servant,

                                                 A. C. TALBOT, Major,
                           Officiating FolUical Resident in the Persian Gulf and
                               Eer Britannic Majesty* Consul-General for Far«, fc.
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