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The Persian Gulf Administration Reports: originally produced as the Annual Administration
                 Reports of the Persian Gulf Political Residency, 1873-1947.
                 This edition reprinted and bound in 10 volumes by Archive Editions, Gcrrards Cross,
                 Buckinghamshire, England.
                 © Archive Editions, 1986.

                 Reprinted by agreement with the British Library from original works in the India Office
                 Library & Records, London.
                 All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism
                 and review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
                 or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
                 recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

                 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
                 The Persian Gulf Administration Reports: 1873-1947.
                   1. Great Britain-Foreign relations-Persian Gulf
                  Region-Sources 2. Persian Gulf Region-Foreign
                  relations-Great Britain-Sources
                  953   DA47.P3/

                  ISBN 1-85207-010-2
                  ISBN 1-85207-011-0 v. 1
                  ISBN 1-85207-012-9 v. 2
                  ISBN 1-85207-013-7 v. 3
                  ISBN 1-85207-014-5 v. 4
                  ISBN 1-85207-015-3 v. 5
                  ISBN 1-85207-016-1 v. 6
                  ISBN 1-85207-017-X v. 7
                  ISBN 1-85207-018-8 v. 8
                  ISBN 1-85207-019-6 v. 9
                  ISBN 1-85207-020-X v.10
                PUBLISHER’S NOTE. For conservation reasons, this edition has been prepared from
                microfilm made available by the British Library. Many of the original volumes, through
                age and adverse conditions in the past, have become fragile and can no longer be handled.
                A curvature effect is visible at the inner edge of some pages where the original volume
                could not be opened flat during microfilming, but the text remains legible. In a few instances,
                usually with tabular matter, top or bottom lines may be missing or broken on the originals.
                In Volume X (1941-1947) the print quality is variable and at times unavoidably poor.
                The Administration Reports in the 1940s were not printed but typed, and for some reports
                the only original text available has been a carbon copy in poor condition. Readers are
                assured that the printers, through careful preparation, have done as much as possible to
                sharpen the print quality and even out the irregularities of the originals.
                A general reduction in page size of approximately 20% has been applied to the original
                reports, some of which vary in format, in the interest of creating a uniform edition.

                Printed by Redwood Bum Ltd., Trowbridge, and bound by Green Street Bindery, Oxford.


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