Page 156 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 156


                                     EitimaU Jor idr year 1692-93—continued.

                                                                   V»loe In
                    From         Abtioles.            QOantitj.     DoIUn    Rnutxs.
                         Sugar •   •               5,660 bags        63,050
                         Sugarcandy .                140 „             900
                         Jaggree                      85 „            400
                         Coffee »                   1,200 „          54,000
                         Tea .                        22 boxes         80
                         Pepper,                     S34 bags        3,500
                         Turmeric ,                  650 „           3,300
                         Cardamoms ,                  37 „           3,600
                         Cinnamon ,                  775 boxes       3,900
                         Ginger, dry ••               IS bags          30
                         Nutmegs                      17 „             250
                         Betelnuts                    23  „            270
                                 X fresh           3,200 in No.      1,500
                                 I4ry                240 moorah8       050
                         Tamarind                    400   „         1,400
                         Monkeynut                   785 bags         1,600
                         Musk .                       5<> bottles     2,500
                         Alees, wood .                15 boxes        2.500
                         Frankincense                ioO „           2.500
                         Sandalwood chips             So bags        2,000
                         Camphor                      15 boxes         200
                         Gooracoo                    ISO tins          400
                               C damaged             S00 bales         500
                         Cotton < stuff             1,800 „         200,000
                                blue                 500 „           43,800
                         Turkey red  ,                85 „           20,000
                         Handkerchiefs, -coloured     20 boxes        2,000
                         Chintz.   .                 100 „           10,000
                      £  Twist ,                     550 bales       41,000
                     -5  Cotton yarn  .               16 „            1500
                         Broadcloth   .   ,            4  „            400
                      5  Shawls and lcongies          5 boxes          700
                      < I  Silk .                     85 bales       38,000
                      a  Silk goods  .                50 boxes        8,000
                         Gold thread                  12 „            1,300
                         Hemp .                      700 bundles      4,500
                         Twine •   .   |              21  n            200
                         Gunnies   •                 9u0  n           9,000
                         Rope, coir                  290   „           750
                         Copper    .   •             295 pieces       7,000
                         Tin and lead •              500   „          3,500
                         Steel ,    .   .           1.500  „          2,200
                         Brass •   .   ,              40   „           450
                         Ironware                     10 bundles       400
                         Dyes .                       18 casks         500
                         Indigo .                      3 bags          150
                            f sweet and cocoanu     3,600 tins       45,0* 0
                         Oil < kerosioe             7.500 boxes       WOO
                            (seeds .                  12 bags          120
                         Candles                     100 boxes         400
                         Gairja (flaxseeds)           12 TDoorahs      200
                         Sulphur                     100 boxes         400
                         Lucifer matches             145  „          3,000
                         Fireworks                    60 „             400
                         Purwass                       5 „             100
                         Saffron   • •               85 boxes         Woo I
                         Alum ,                      20                130
                         Wood .                           w           2,8C0
                         Wines, spirits, liqueurs, &c  500 packages   2,800
                         Tar                         15 casks          120
                         Paper .                     45 boxes          650
                         Crockery                   280 *             3,300
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