Page 159 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 159

                            AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY POE 1892-OT.        40
                             Estimate for the year 1892-93—oonoludod.

                                                            Value fa '
                         Abtzolb.              Quantity.    Dollars.

                 Boxes ebooks            10,000 bundles       2,500
                 Wax poporo .               25 bozeo           S50
            P A
            tl   Hum •                      12 casko           300
            S3   Sugar •   •                                 •••
            El                Total                           8,160
            b a                                              io,ouo
            ti X              8jieci8
            Es        GRAND TOTAL                            13,160
                      Total Iupouto.
                   India •    >    •   .                   1,438,S40
                   Persian Gulf, Bussorah, and
                    Mekran Coast •     .                    845,6 *0
                   South Arabia and Africa .                184,710
                   United States, Mauritius, and
                    Singapore •    «                         18,150
                               Total                       1,981,840

            Contrasted Statement showing the Number of Vessels entering and leaving the port of Muscat,
                                Estimate for the tear 1892-93.
                           [CIeis A—European and American ; Clnsa B—Native Craft.]
                                             In the Official Teas
                                                              Increase  Decrease
                         Clabs.                                 in       id
                                             1891-92.  1892-93.  1892-93.  1892-93.
            Coal vessels .                       1        e        1
            India   I
                                                IS       11                 2
            Mauritius and Boorbon !
                                                 1        2        1
            p!?«n   and Bossorah                 6        9        8
               oea Ports                                  4        1
            Zanzibar                             8        3
            London steamers \                    8 1      2        1
            Mail steamers                                          3
            French steamers                     62       65
                                                          1        1
                                 Total          90       99       11       2
            i°au .
            Pmun Qttif *                       150      160       10
            S? ■                                40       44       4        10
            Zaznibw                             18       20       2
                                                24       20       • ••     4
                                 Total         312      314       16      14
                  GRAND TOTAL A and B
                                               402      413      27        16
   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164