Page 161 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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residency  AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY POE 1892-93.     61

                     Ui Statement thotcing the Value and Detcriplion of Ooodt exported from
                                            For tub Official Year.
                                                              IncrfBio  Doc res ea
                                                               in       in
                                                              1892-93-  1892-93,
                                            1891-92.  1892-83.
                                              $                 I        $
                                             1,000     800     • ••      200
            TTool .                         20,000   10,000            10,000
            Rifles                                                        80
            ftper                              150    2,000              500
            Nat bag* .                       2,500
            Miscellaneous                   80,000   82,000    2,000
                                 Total     l,OSS,280   1,005,595  21,580  99,265
                                 Specie     500,000  400,000          100,000
                        GRAND TOTAL       11,583,280  11,405,595  21,580  199,265

              Controlled Statement tkovrug the Value av,i Description of Goodt imported into Muscat,
                                Estimate foe the year 1892-93.
                                             Fob the OmciAL Year
                                                               Increase  Decrease
             From         Article?.                             in       in
                                             1891-92.  1892-93.  1892-93.  1892-93.

                                               3        §       §         §
                     ■|red                   600,000  637,500   87,500   • ••
                       Malabar                 1,400     900               500
                 Rice                                                      270
                                                650      880
                       table                  10,000     550             9,450
                • Wheat                        2,500    9,200   6,700
                i Bajri                          70       60                10
                * Jowari •                     7,000   7,280      280    • ••
                ! Dbs«U                         900      700               200
                 Scgw •                       45,000   63,050   18,050
                l Sugarcandy                   1,000     900               100
                jjaggtee .                      150      400      250
                I Codec                       55,000   54,000            1,000
                 Tea                             70       80       10
                1 Pepper .  .                  3,500    3,500   • M
                1 Turmeric .                   3,500    3,300              200
                1 Cardamoms                    3.000   3,500      500
             i  1 Cinnamon                     4.000   3,900    • ••       100
             3  1 Ginger, dry                   200      250      30
                1 Nntmess
                I Betel-nuts                    250      270       20
                 Cocoanuts -f ,                1,500   1.500
                                                600      550               50
                 Tamarind   .                  1,500   1,400              100
                 Monkey oats                   2,000   1,600    • M       400
                 Mask                          8,600   2.500             1,100
                 Aloes, wood                   4,000   2,500    • M      1,500
                 Frankincense   »              4,000   2,800             1,200
                 Sandalwood chips               700    2,000    1,800
                 Camphor                        250      200    •••        50
                 Cooracco                       400      400
                 cotto, jtr1                 200,000  200,000            • •• 100
                        blue                  40,500  45,800    5,300    •••
                 Turkey red .    *            20,000   20,000   • ••
                 Handkerchiefs, coloured       1,500   2,000      500    • ••
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