Page 220 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 220


                          Contrasted statement slowing the Value vnd Description of Goods exported from
                                     Estimate foe the team 1803-94—concluded.
                                                  Fob Tin Official Ykab
                                                                     ltremue   Decrease
                               Ajricuu,                                in        In
                                                  1892-91   1893-94.  1893-94.  1893-94.
                                                      400       350
                    ■- {«£ :■ :                       400      850                  50
                    Pomegranate skins and oooda       125      120                  50
                    Henna   •   •   •   •             850       800                 50
                    Opium   .   .   •                1,500    1,000                500
                    Wheat                           11,000    6,000
                    Rico •                          40.000    30.000              5,000
                    Jowari •                         3,200    4.500     1,300    10,060         \
                    Ghoo •                           5,000    6.500     1,500    • ••
                    6ngar                            2500     3,300      800
                    Safi                            45.000    50.000    5,000
                    Red ochro                         250       800      550
                    Madder .                           60       50
                    AsB&fcotida                       120       100.                10
                    Garlic •                          300       600      300
                    Mask •                           2,000    2,000
                    Aloes, wood                      2.500    3.000      500
                    Incense •                        1.500    1,800      300
                    Shunria .                        1,000    1.000              ••
                    Aloes •                          2,000    2,500      500
                    Senna-leaves                      150       200       50
                    Dragon’s blood                   1,000    1,500      500     ••
                    Budrbnd .                        1.700    1,000
                    Goat’s hair                       600      800       200       700
                    Hulwab- .                        3,000    3,500      500     • «
                    Otto of roses                     250       200
                    Canvas, Arabian                  2,800    3,000      200        50
                    Rafters •                        2,200    2,500      300
                    Donkeys .                         800     1,100      800     • •
                    Oil, kerosino                    3.000    2,500                500
                    Cloves                            500       400                100
                    American cloth                   6,500    3.500               3,000
                    Wool .                            603     1,200
                    Rifles                          10,000    15,000     400
                    Paper .                           120       100     5,000       20
                    Mat bags .                       2,000    2,500      500
                    Miscellaneous                   32,000    3-5,000   3,000                   I
                                       Total      10,05,595  11,20,320  1,85.030  32,905
                                       Specie      4.00,000  6.00,000  2,00,000
                           GRAND TOTAL            14,05,595  17,20,320  3,85,030  32,905
                       Contrasted statement showing the Value and Description of.Goods in ported into Muscat.
                                         Estimate for the teae 1893.94.

                                                      Fob thi OmciAt Tub
                    From             Abtzclu.                          •Increase.  Decrease
                                                                          in    • in
                                                       1892-96.  169*44.  . 1893-94.  1893-94
                                                          $       $       $       $
                              Mnlabar                   687,500  622,890  ...    64,610
                         Rice                             900      450             450
                              fed .                       380      620     240
                     i   Wheat table                      550    7,000    6,450
                      g                                  9,200   13^00    4,700
                     Hi  Bajri
                         Jowari                            60      85      25
                         Dhall .                         7,280   12^20    5,040
                         Sugar                            700     U30      830
                                                      '  63,050  67,760   4,710
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