Page 221 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 221


                Con trailed itaiement thoving the Value and DeteripUon of Ooodt imported into
                                  Mu teat—continued.

                                              For tiii Omcui Trab.
                          Artiouci.                             in       in
           From                                               1883 94  1898-94.
                                              1892-93.  1883-94
                                                *       $        $       %
              r Sugar-candy                      900     725    •f        175
               Jaggroo                           400     140              260
               Coffoo •                        54,000  47,060            6,940
               Tea                                80      180     100
                Pepper .                        3,500   3,400             100
               Turmeric •                       3,300   5,340   2,040   • ••
                Cardamoms                       3,500   2,665             835
                Cinnamon •                      3,900   4,450     550
                Ginger, dry .                     80     870      90
                Nutmegs                          250      85              165
                Betelnute .                      270     260               10
                Cocoanuts, fresh                1.500   1,060             440
                       dry                       550      780     220
                Tamarind .                      1,400     900             500
               Monkey nuts                      1,600   1,750     150
               Musk .   .                       2.500   1,760   • ••      740
               Aloes, wood                      2,500   2,400             100
                Frankinccnso                    2,600     840            1,960
                Sandalwood chips                2,000   1,965              35
                Camphor .                        200      3S0     180   • ••
                Gooracco •                       400      100             300
                    C damaged.   •               500    1,200     700
                Cotton < cloth   •   •        200,000  153,200          46,800
                    (blue   .   ,              45,800  20,500           25,300
                Turkey red .   .   .           20,000   77,690  57,690
                Handkerchiefs, coloured.        2,000   4,020    2,020
                Chintz   •   •   •             10,000   8,000            2,000
                Twist ....                     41,000   76,160  53,160
                Cotton yarns   .   .            1,500   1,000             500
                Broadcloth .                     400      200             200
            3   Shawls and loongies .            700      75    • ••      625
                Silk .                         38,000   36,045           1,953
                „ goods .                       8,000   4,100            3,900
               Gold thread                      1,300   2,900    1,600
               Hemp     .   .
            Q                                   4.500   3,570             930
               Twine    .   .   .                200      155              45
               Gunnies   .   .                  9.000   5,400            3,600
               Rope, coir  •   .   .             750      650   •••       100
               Copper   .   .                   7.000   5,370            1,630
               Tin and lead   .   .             3.500   3,360             140
                Steel ....                      2,200   2,145              55
                Brass ....                       450      no              340
                Iron-ware  •   .  ;   .          400    2,200    1,800
                Dyes ....                        500      565      65
                Indigo                           150      60               90
                Oil, sweot and cocoaqut.       45,000   27,100          17,900
                „ ke rosin e   .   .            1,300   10,760   9,460
                Candles . hifL: •                120      150      30
                Oil soedB .   .                  400      340
                Ganja (flax seeds)               200      500     300
                Sulphur   .   ^ *;  •            400      710     310
                Lucifer matches  •              3,000   1,700
                Fireworks ...                    400      280
                Purwasa . 1.                     100      80
                Saffron .    .   .              1,000   3,000    2,000
                Alum .   .   ,   ,  -            130      120
                Wood                            2,800   2,720
                Wines, spirits, liqueurs, etc.   2,800  3,000   m— .
                Tar ...         .                120      160      40
                Paper                             650     170
                Crockery   .                    3,300   2,830
                Soda ....                         75      100      25
                Flour, Bombay   .   .           7,000   5,500
                Gram ....                        700    • 550
                Gtoe .   .   .   .              l.COO     300
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