Page 222 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 222


                         Ccntrastsd statement shoving the Value and Ducription qf Good* import*d iit*

                                                       Fa* ru OmciiL Tub
                     From            Annex**.                             la      U
                                                        1891-98.  18M-04.  180844,  law-H.
                                                         $                        $
                         Cummin sood   •                 8,500   6,800            If voo
                         Coriander „                       210     500     290
                         Garlio   •   •                    110     100              10
                         Balammoniao   •                   250     160              90
                         Hyacinth   •   •                  75      70               6
                         Borne    .   •                    25    H*      —U         25
                         Caraway sood   •                  15      25       10
                         Hides    .   .                  2,700   1,040             760
                      a  Pewter-ware   •                   160     200
                     Q                                                      40    Ml
                     £   Tallow   •   •                    500     500
                         Saltpetre   .   •                 700     400             300
                         Boies, empty, deal wood         4,000    1,700  •••      2,300
                         Toys and fancy works •   •   •  2,500   2,800     300    0 * I
                         Miscellaneous articles such as cutlery   15,000  12,000  3,000
                           preserves, oilman's stores, etc.
                                             Total     13,58,340  12,98,905  137,375  196,810
                                             Specie     80,000  200,000  120,000

                                     GRAND TOTAL       14^8,340  1,498,905  257,375  196,810

                         Dates  {ST*                     4,000     350   •••      4,000
                         Wheat                           18,000  45,000  27,000
                         Jowari                          4,500   3,150            1,350
                         Barley                          4.000   3,430   •••       570
                         Moong                           1,600   1,250             350
                         Rice .                          1.000                    1,000
                         French beans                     600      735     135
                         Ghee •                         45,000   41,000          7ooo
                         Almonds                          450      716     266
                         Walnuts •                         150     75               75
                     *   Pistachio nuts                   130      40               90
                      3  Pigs .                            120     45    •••        75
                     6   Plums                             320     200   —         120
                      x                                  1.500   1,160             340
                         Cotton •                       20.000             450
                      cc                                         20,450
                         Carpets and mgs                 2,000    950             1,050
                     26                                  2.500     450            2,050
                      a __  8Uk&-                        11,000  13,800   2,800  •••
                      •4  Canvas .                        600    1,040     440
                      K  Skins ,                           270     400     130
                      3  Goat's hair •                    500     240              260
                         Salt •'   •                                             •—
                     25                                  40,000  45,140  M40
                         Red ochre .                      300      250   —          50
                      3  Sulphur •                        350                      350
                     O   Saltpetre •                      300      70              230
                      *  Lime •   .                      3,000   2,250             750
                         Assafcetid* .                    350      40              310
                      8                                                            liO
                      at  Madder                           120
                         Myrtle leaves                   1,000   4,120   8,120   • •s
                         Indian coni                      400            •H        400
                         Rose-water •                    1,000   7,020     20    • ••
                         Pomegranate skins                200            —         200
                         Pearls                         50,000   45,000  •••      5,000
                         Motber-o'-pearl                50,000   •••             50,000
                         Budrbud .                       1,600     55    •••      1,545
                         Opium •                         .2,000   200             1^00
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