Page 312 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 312


                        Glass and glassware.—Trices fell in- Shiraz and Ispahan nnd
                    decrease of J lakh.                                     a caused a
                        Gold lace and gold thread.—Importers have been importing inf •
                    qualities, and prices have accordingly fallen, which accounts for the slight fn*
                    ing off in these articles.                                 °
                        Indigo.—The depreciation of the kran affected this article and
                    decrease of ovor lakhs.                                    caused a
                        Kerosine-oil.—There was an increased demand for this article and also
                    rise in prices which resulted in a slight increase.              a
                        Sugar, loaf and soft.—There lias hecna falling off of 2J lakhs in the casoof
                    loaf and also in that of moist sugar, the causes being the depreciation of the kran
                    and a rise in prices in Europe.
                        Tea.—The strong demand which there was last year was not kept up chiefly
                    owing to the dcprecition of the kran and tho year shows a decrease of J lakh
                        Thread and twist.—Cheap prices in Manchester caused a small increased
                         Woollen goods.—Dearness of exchange caused a falling off of over 1} lakhs
                    in the imports of this material.

                        Horses.—Owing to the larger exportation of horses from Busrah and less
                    demand for Persians in the Bombay market not so many horses were shipped
                    this year as last.
                         Arms and ammunition.-—These are really only transhipped in Busliire, hut
                     are usually kept a short time before reshipping owing to restrictions on
                     account of the nominal embargo on guns ; these restrictions were slightly
                     increased and more arms imported direct to Maskat and the other markets on
                     the Arab coast usually fed from Bushirc so that business fell off 89,000
                         Cotton.—The locusts again ravaged this crop which had besides been kept
                     small from fear of thier re appearencc, so that the decrease of over 1|- lakhs is
                     not surprising.
                         Dates.—An increase of a few thousand rupees occurred in tho export
                     of dates, the increased demand being in the Indian market.
                         Almonds.—In this article also the Indian market showed an increased
                     demand and nearly one lakh’s worth more than last year were exported.
                          Wheat.—In spite of embargoes the export of wheat made a further ad­
                     vance of 8» lakhs owing chiefly to the greater demand in England and partly
                     to some of the stocks which usually go to Busrah being diverted to Bushiro
                     by the better prices ruling there.
                          Gum.—Large exports were made last year on an already glutted market*
                     so that this year the demand was very small and a decrease of nearly f lakn
                     is easily accounted for.
                          Hides and skins.—The market in these articles, too, was much overstocked,
                      and the exports this year consequently show an appreciable falling off of <o,
                                                                                   of the
                          Opium.—Prices in China were bad, which added to the depreciation
                      kran, caused a heavy fall of 12 J lakhs in the amount exported during l°yD-
                          Hoseioater.—An increased demand in India caused a slightly increased
                          Shells.—Next to none having been exported last year, European
                      recovered itself and exporters got rid of rather more than a lakh s wo:
                      than last year.
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