Page 315 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 315

              besidency and

                               APPENDIX A TO PART III.
                            CONSISTING OF TUB FOLLOWING BTATISTIC8.

              x Return of principal articles of export from Bushiro during the years
              2.  Return of principal articles of import into Busliire during the years
              3 Tablo showing the total value of all articles exported from, and imported
           into, Bushire, to and from foreign countries, during the years 1894-95.
              4. Return of shipping at tlie port of Bushire in the year 1895.
              6. Statement showing the quantity of opium exported from Bushire from
           1st January to 31st December 1895.
              6. Statement showing the customs and other revenues farmed by the Gov-
           emor  of Bushire for the year 1895-96.
              7. Return of principal articles of export from Shiraz during the years
              8. Return of principal articles of import into Shiraz during the years
              9. Return of principal articles of export from Lingah during the years
              10. Return of principal articles of import into Lingah during the years
              11.  Tabic showing the total value of all articles exported from, and im­
           ported into, Lingah, to and from foreign countries, during the years 1894-95.
              12.  Return of shipping at the port of Lingah in the year 1895.
              13.  Return of principal articles of export from Bundar Abbas during the
           years 1S94-95.
              •14. Return of principal articles of import into Bundar Abbas during the
           years 1894-95.
              15. Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and im­
           ported into, Bundar Abbas, to and from foreign countries, during the years
               1G. Return of shipping at the port of Bunder Abbas in the year 1S95.
               17. Statement showing the quantity of opium exported from Bundar Abbas
           from 1st January to olst December 1S95.
               IS. Return of principal articles of export from Bahrain during the'years

               *9. Return of principal articles of import into Bahrain during the   years
                  Table showing the total value of all articles exported from, and im­
           ported into, Bahrain, to and from foreign countries, during the years 1894-95.
               21. Return of shipping at the port of Bahrain in the year 1895.
                  ^e*urn of principal articles of export from the ports on the Arab
             oast of the Persian Gulf during the years 1894-95.
            nf ^cturn principal articles of import into the ports on the Arab Coast
            1 the persiau Gulf during the years 1894-95.
                        showing the total value of all articles exported from, and im-
            fQ^lnt0*th?P0rts OQthe Ara^ Coast of the Persian Gulf, to and from
               au countries, duriug the years 1894-95.
            ^ Return of shipping at the ports on the Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf
                 t   AOVfO*
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