Page 317 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
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                 residency  AND MA8KAT

                                       Table No. 2.
              Jlelurn of principal articles o/Wwi/wr/ into Bushire during the years

                                               18M.                 UM.

                                          Quntltj.   ▼aha.     QootJty.   ▼t)M.

                                                      fia.                Rs.
                                           77 pkgs.   34/100   74 pkgs.   33.300
              Anna and ammunition   •••    711 „     10,13,420  479 „     6,78,200
              Books and printed matter     147 CHfaa   32,500  107 cases   29.700
                                          7,550 „      66,000  1.678 „     12.700
              Coffee...   •••              277 cwU.    22.C70  200 cwts.   16,180
              Colton gooda   ...         28,109 pkgs.   1,13,97,600  29,503 pkgs.  1.06,73,320
                                          1.014 w     2,49.400  OSS „     2,48.140
              Thread and twist ...
              Dates ...   •••             8,250 cwts.   21.8SO  8.S07 cwta.   24,670
              Dregs and medicines         2,933 pkgs.   1.3S.990   4,103 pkgs.  1,42,510
              Djeiog and oolouring materials   473 „   25,GW   657 „       23,780
              Feel ...   ...   h          3,535 toes.  82,000   3,091 tons   64,000
              Terniture   ...   •*         223 pkgs.   47/130   221 pkgs.   64,720
              Glass and glassware   ..    2,124 „      73,520   3.001 „    99,470
              Gold lace and thread          15 cases   10,370   26 „       18,490
              Grain and pulse ...         18,1S1 cwts.   S3.0S0   4,312 cwts.   24/)70
              Haberdashery ...              89 pkgs.   2(3,2 SO  163 pkgs.   44.880
              Hardware and cutlery    • ••  814 „      53.9SO  417 „       28.880
              Indigo                      3.2GG cwts.   6,89,300  4,551 cwts.  9,51,830
              Jute, manufactures of   ,.  1,322 pkgs.   1,15,990  576 pkgs.  52,680
              Lamps and lampwarc   .,       GS „       13,100  225 eases   44,200
              Leather, and manufactures of   185 „     3\850    57 pkgs.   11,670
              Liquors, wines and spirits   3J9G „      56,910  2,664 „     63,730
              Matches   ...                497 cases   23,350  410 CV5CI   19,140
                        fCopj«cr ...      2/>59 cwts.  1,3*3,120  10,153 cwts.   4,61,510
                         Tin               GS9 „       51,670  752 „       66,400
              Metala   ... ^ Iron         6,731 „      53,S70  4.425 „     35,400
                         l Brass  •••     1,508 „      10,810  894 „       35,760
                                           271 „
                         Other aorta
              Metals, manufactures of ...  2,631 pkgs.   5,93,250  1,429 «   19,080
                                                                466 pkgs.
                          Kerosinc        13,192 cases
              Oil                                      63,710  12,644 eases  60,670
                          Other Borta      677 cwts.    4,520   749 cwts.   9,560
              Porcelain and china ware
                                            79S pkgs.  1,09,010  1,623 pkga.  1.92.970
                            Carried erer  • ••
   312   313   314   315   316   317   318   319   320   321   322