Page 629 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 629


           ^able ehoteing the total value of prin-ipil articlee (repotted into (he Port of Bvthire
                          during the year* ltibb, 1897, and J8U8—continued.

                                      I860.           1697.           IBM.
             Princlral •rtlo>« principal
             ooaulflM trom which lmporUd.
                                 Quantity.  Vain*.  Quantity.  Vila*.  Quantity.  Value.

           Dili no   and Colouring         a               it              Jt
              Materials— could.
            Colours a"d Paints-—
              United Kingdom     29 cttuci  3,9^0   128 cases   7^0  91 pkgs.  12,710
              India              68  99   10,200  *60 pkgs.  7,610  103  99  7.628
              Germany                                             3          320
             Austria .   .                                        l pif*     160
             China .   .                          1 P>g-    160
             Persian lorta .                      6 pkga.   210   4 pkg*.    600
              Maaknt .                                            1 Pkg.      30
            Other so' ts of Dyeing and
              Coloring Slate- ijls—
              United Kingdom   .   .  16 pkgs.  1.920  20 pkgo.  1,480      • ••
              Ind a •   •   •   .  76      2.160  21  r»    630   2j pkgs.   420
             Uftsknt .   •   .       99         205  >»     8'><>  150   „   900
             Zanztutr •    •   .                 6->  i>    2.30
              Persian Ports .   .   .  302 pkgs.  3,020  120 „  1,200  304 pkgs.  3,040
            Coal (ch>*rcoalt)—
              Uniud Kiugdom                     550 tons   19 £30   303 tons   10,610
             India .   .        238 tons   9.5*0  4,170 cwts.  i'.GS»   2,175 cwts.   6,030
             Pei6iao I'oris •    60 „      1,500  C'lO     1,220  3.8al   „  6,550
            Fire trood, etc.—
              India .   .                        45 tons    720
             Tutkey .                      6,«°0  30000 bdl-.   3.5- >0  10.000 Mia.   6.600
             Persian Ports •   2,630 tons  6-j.OOO  350 tons  63,230 77,500 cwts.  61,000
             United Kingdom                       7 case*   2,OX)   4 cases  400
             India   .   •      117 pkgs.  13.300  18 pkgs.  2,940  69  »   6.700
             France  •   •       28       2UOO                    1 case    l.uOO
             Germany   •            99                           176 cases   88.000
             Austria  •   •                                       1 case     600
          GLA83 and Glasswabb—
            Glassware —
             Uuilcd Kingdom      73 caws   7,c75  82 cases   7,*V>  •53 cases  6,250
             India   .   •      159       13.875           7,430  235      27,730
             France  .   .       43  n m   6,375  66* „    4.C90  43        5 070
             Germany   •                                          16  tt    1.890
             Austiia  .   •                      58 c&*es  4,610  164  n   19/350
             Tuikey  .   •                        2  •*      170      ft
            ■Glass (window)—
             United Kingdom     164 cases  1,640  221 eases  2*10  218 case 8   2.180
             India   .          703        7,230  736      7,360  1,156   „  11,560
             France  .           35  99     850      99            1 ca.<e    10
             Germany             20  ft     2.0                    6 ca*es
             Austria   •            ft           70 cases   700               60
             Turkey  .   5                        8          80
             fcgyi*   .                              U            14 cases   J40
             Perriau Ports •
                                                                  80  99     800
            Other sorts of Glassware—
             United Kingdom      21 cases   7'0
             India   •  •   .   104   „    4,610  20 cases  3,620  19 cases   340
             Get many   .   ,                                      7        6,980
             China   •  .v   •    • M                                        700
                                                                   I case    100
          Gold Lack and Thetad—
            Gold lace—
             India           •   2 cases   1,818
             France   .  •   . .   ,  1 case  9u9                           •••
            Gold thread—
             India .  *           3 cases  4 214
             France .             4  »»    3.636           L400
             Austria •                             2 esse*         2 cases  2,620
             Turkey .                              3 J »»  1.4 0
                                                   1 ease   7tO             • ••
   624   625   626   627   628   629   630   631   632   633   634