Page 634 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 634


                 Table thowing (he total value of pr t * c tjoalnrticl*”££*'* **f? l^e^°ri °f %u'hin during

                                            im.                            leoe.
                      r»l tr'Me* and principal
                   count. lira (tom which Imported.
                                       Quantity.  Valo«.  Qoullt;.  V»lu«.  Quantity.  Vain..
                 8picti—contd.                   ft              Ii              R
                   Ginger—                                             002 cwto.
                    India                             1,038 cwts.  20,000       10,840
                    China .   .                                        16 „       420
                   Black Pepper *-
                    India .                           1,327 ewU.  23.070  8,033 cntfl.  68,190
                   Other sorts—
                    Ind«a •         k  2,270 owls.   40,830  891 tab.  8,800  659 owts.   27,110
                    Turkey .                                           21 „       630
                    Persian Port* .      8 owU.    80           ••I     3 „       40
                 STATIOXBBT—                                    29,510
                    United Kingdom .   103 pkgs.   14.000  217 av«      39 pkgs  10,000
                    India •             92 „    10,5(K)  153 p'.gv  10.6 »0   121  1M7Q
                    Franco .  k          4 „      COO   1? CISCS  1,7''0  2 „     200
                    Germany                      ••4    a »       200   8         800
                    Austria                                             10 „     1,000
                    China .              1 pkg.   100   21 Ci! £3  2,100  6. „    600
                    Unitcd Kingdom     195 caacs   4.095  1.465 cwts.   21620  429 cwta.   6,700
                    India .            100 „     2.300  6.08 „   1,11010  337 „   4.180
                    Franco .         29,056 „  6,10,176  43,101 „  8.09,160 33.714 „   4,43 400
                    Germany                                            296 „     8,800
                    Austria •                                          390 „     6,190
                    Turkey •                    •m     209 cwts.  1,630
                    Egpyt .                                             3 cwta.    40
                    Mnskat .            30 cases   630
                    Persian Ports .     80 „     1,680                1,593 cwta.  21,190
                    United Kingdom                    4.co9 oris.   51.7°0  16,289 cwts.   1,86,160
                    India            27,163 bags   6,70,423  13,751 „  1,65.030 38.889 „  4,4-1,680
                    Franco   •         939 „    19,698
                    Germany   .                       4,li> eirli.   23,100
                    Persian Ports .     9 bags    189   40 »      4J0
                    Maariius   •       142 *   • 2,932
                    United Kingdom       7 cwts.   750  62 esrts.   6.440  620 cwts.   82,780
                    India .   •       9,958 „  6,97/soO  4*101  4,25.650  9,8-1 „  6,18,730
                    France .   .         7 *      750
                    Germany   .                                         48 owts.   8,030
                    Turkey »   •                        2 cwts.   200  130 „     8.210
                    China              289 cwts.  34,4*25  1/M7  1,03.410  1,417 „  1,79,430
                    Mask at .   •                                       3 „       160
                    Persian Ports .                     2 cwts.   200  14 ,.      860
                  Timbm asd Wood—
                   Plankt and Beam—
                    India •                     22,521  5^07 pieces  30,980  4,836 piecos   85,960
                    France «   •                                •••     2 cases   600
                    Tnrkey .                     1,200
                    Persian Ports.                                     67 pieces
                                                                ••I               670
                    Zanzibar                    20.000 21,009 rafters  24,000 18,000 Nos.  13,600
                    Maskat .
                                         • M     8,000
                    United Kingdom      40 cases  4,000  43 cun   6 200  120 esses   24,000
                     India    .   •      2        200   Spkgs.    720   9 bdls.   130
                     Persian Ports .   •  37 bdis.  655  21Ugs   820   22 „       310
                   Manufactures of Tobacco—
                     United Kingdom  •   .  11 cases   4,160  29 eases   30 cases   9.980
                    India .         .   16 „     6,250  10 „    11.050  14 „     6,600
                    France •   •         9 ..    3,000
                    Germany   .   .      Ml                             3 cases   1,200
                    Austria •   •   •                                             8<«
                    Turkey •   •   •     1 csss   250                   2
                    Egypt .
                                                       16 cases  3,750  4 cases  1,000
   629   630   631   632   633   634   635   636   637   638   639