Page 631 - PERSIAN 2C 1890_1899_Neat
P. 631

                           and MABKAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR TUB YEAR 1898-99.

                                     2896.           2807.            2896.
                                Quantity.  Value.  Quantity.  TaJae.  Qmtlty.  Tain*.

                                          R               /?               i?
          laur *»D Lampwam—                                9.440  46 cases   4,320
             United Kingdom .    81 cases  9,200  73 eases   2,360  27 „   2,690
             India .             17  „     1,650  22 *      100
             Franco .   •   «    18  *     2,426  1 case           2 cases   190
             German/   »                                          14 „     1,340
             Turkey .   •

           Lratdeb add MiHUPACVoniso
            Leather (fanned)—                               200
             United Kingdom • .                   2 pkgs.         37 pkgs.   4,160
             India •   .   *   .  86 pkgs.   11,006  65 „  6,500
             Turkey .             13 *     1,131            700    14 pkg*.  7,400
             Persian Porta .                       7 pkgs.
            Saddlery, Harnett, Boots
             and Shoes—                                            23 pkge.   8,800
             United Kingdom •   .  29 cases  9,950  30 cares   10,900       6,300
              India «...          11 „     2,700  29 w     S.700   21 „     4,400
              1 ranee .   .   .   .  2 „    650                    12 „     8,100
              Germany   .   •   •  • M                             8 „
           Liqcocs, Wises akd Spibits—
            Whisky—                                                         14,670
              United Kingdom •   •  1,216 cases   19,456  959 cases  15,340  638 cases
              India .   •   •   •  39 „     624                   140 „     3,220
              United Kingdom     2S3 cases   6.865  299 cases   saw  476 cases  11,930
              India •            134 „     3.350  49 *      1.270  56 „      1,400
              France ,            72 „     l.SOO  116 „     8,120  139 „     3,320
              Germany   .                                         133 „
              Italy •                                               3 „        90
              United Kingdom     264 cases   4,765  268 cases   8,580  237 cases   7,110
              India   .   .      119 „     2,142  133 „     4.360  86 „      2,680
              Fiance  ,   •       67 „     1,206  89 „      2£50   65 „      1,950
              Germany   •                                         260 „      7.S00
              Uuiicd Kingdom       5 eases   300   10 cjuvij       52 cases  3,120
              India   .   .       43 „     2,580                            • M
              Franoo  ,           65 „     3,900  20 cares         13 cases   780
              Geraany   .                  •••                     10 „       600
              United Kingdom     178 cases  4,459  135 cares  3,550  175 pkgs.   4,880
              India   .   •       62 „     1,560   2          60   22 cases   660
              Germany   •                         46 „      1^50   45 „      1.350
              Austria  •   .                      20 „       500
             Other tortt of Liquors, etc.—|
              United Kingdom      114 cases   1,855  71 cases   1*070  8 cases  260
              India   •           41 „       648   46 „      920    7         110
              France  •       .   24 „      448    6 „       120   17 „       340
              Germany                                              66-        940
              Austria •                                             1 case    20

              United Kingdom                      317 cases   15,85-0  118 eases   5,480
              India «            349 cases  17,101  361 „  18,050  4°1 „    17,200
              Germany                                             187 „      7,600
              Austria .         1,255 cases  67,195  319 rases   15..P-50  433 „  19,920
              Turkey .           486 „     23,614  1 cars     50
              Egypt •                             220 casts  lljOCO
                                                                         o 2
   626   627   628   629   630   631   632   633   634   635   636