Page 130 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
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120                       Records of Bahrain

                                                 NAVIGATION OF THE

                          the people entirely neglect it. The island also produces citrons, pome,
                          granates, mulberries, dates, figs, melons, and other fruits ; also several
                          kinds of vegetables. Cattle and poultry are also procurable, but rather
                          dear, being brought from other places. The cloth bazar is pretty well
                            The islands of Muharag, Arad, and Samahoy arc twelve miles round
                          and only separated at very high spring tides. They have a few dale
                          plantations on them, and about seven thousand five hundred inha­
                          bitants. There is very little water on them, most of that used being
                          brought from Bahrein. There are two forts or Ghurees, one at
                          Muharag, the other at Arad. Munama town is in lat. 26° 13' 50' N.,
                          long. 50° 36' 50' E.
                            The Shaikh has five war Buggalows, but can fit out fifteen or twenty.
                          One of these is of about four hundred tons, and mounts twenty-two
                          guns. The fortifications are a Ghuree at Muharag, on a sandy point,
                          containing six or eight guns, and commanding the channel; two others,
                          one at Arad and another at Samahoy, and a ruinous wall round the
                          town. On Bahrein are Radar, seven miles from Munama, and about
                          fifty other Ghurees, with a number of towers in different parts; but
                          their best defences are those supplied by nature in the reefs that sur­
                          round the islands, as five hundred determined men might oppose the
                          landing of as many thousands.

                                                TRADE OF BAHREIN.
                            The following is an account of the exports and imports of Bahrein,
                          in iiie year 1824, as stated by the Company’s Broker and the Shaikh's
                                     Exports.                          Imports.
                                            German Crowns.        From Hindoostan.
                          Pearls to India............... 1,200,000              German Crowni.
                          Ditto to Arabia, Turkey,        Rice from Mangalore, 60,000
                            and Bussora............. 300.000  Morahs ................. .............  65.000
                          Ditto to Persia        100.000  Rice from Bengal, 8,000 bags. 24,000
                                                          Sugar, 600 bags.........    12.000
                          Various Articles, to India}Sind}SfC.
                                                          Sugarcandy, 500 tubs         5.000
                          Dry dates........       15,000                              10,000
                                                          Pepper, 400 morahs..
                          Tortoise-shell           3,500                               2.000
                          Bahrein canvas           3.000  Solder or block tin .. .    10,000
                          Sbark-fins .....         2.000  Iron, 5,000 bars...........  2,400
                                                          Lead, 2,000 pigs .........
                                    To Persia.            Steel, 100 tubs.............  1,000
                          Bahrein canvas           3,000  Plank, and ship timber  • • • •
                          Mats.................    1,200  Coir................................  5,000

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