Page 131 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 131
The Arabian Coast Naval Survey, 1821-1828 121
Exports (contd.). Imports (contd.).
German Crown*. German Crowns.
Date syrup 2,000 Cloth, blue and white, com
Dry dates . 1,200 mon and dungaree, 600
bales................................... 100,000
To Bussora.
Cinnamon.............................. 600
Bahrein canvas............... 5.000 Other spices.......................... 4.000
Mats.................................. 1,200 Musk....................................... 2.000
Coarse coloured cloth.... 1.000
Indigo.................................... 5.000
To Al Quaal or Grant. Turmeric, 400 bags............. 4,500
Bahrein canvas 5,000 Camphor................................. 4.000
Mats ............... 800 Sandalwood.......................... 2.000
Drugsof variousdescriptions. 5,000
To various places.
Tamarinds 2,000
Sundries to the amount of 5,000
Sundries 1,800
Total.. 1,651,900
Total from India..284,300
From the Red Sea and Muskat.
Coffee, 1,520 guntras 93,000
From Muskat and the Persian Coast.
Dry fruit, grain, and India
produce* 200,000
From Bussora.
Dales, grain,* &c.................. 200,000
From various places.
Sundries 30,000
Total.. 807,300
Jillia Shoal.
Jillia Shoal, or Arad Reef, surrounds the islands of Suraahoy, Arad,
and Muharag, and forms the, southern side of the entrance to the north
west harbour of Bahrein, and the northern to the south-eastern harbour.
It is nearly dry in most parts at low-water. The north-western point is
in lat. 26° 18' 40' N., long. 50° 37' 10' E. j the north-eastern in la 1. 26°
18' 20' N., long. 50° 41' 50' E.; and the south-eastern in lat. 26° 10' N.,
long. 50® 44' 10' E. The tide at times sets strong towards this reef,
• A grerft portion of the*e •rticle* wu again exported to India, Mu*ka». and oiher part* x
hut they are not mentioned in the export*, which are confined to the produce of the island
Rad fishery.