Page 328 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 328

318                       Records oj Bahrain

                               assistance by which he kept up until they reached the boats.
                               Of his Fleet a two masted vessel a Bugla and three boats were
                               destroyed, H.H. having permitted the ship and a Bugla to open
                                fire upon the Troops.  The day of the defeat op attempting to
                                sail out they both ran aground and could not be got off In any
                               way.   They therefore burnt the Brig and left the Bugla.

                               Nearly all the troops lost their arms,   After the Imam had
                               collected such of his people as had escaped the drowning and
                               slaughter, and sailing out of the Khor of Kllla, he anchored
                               off Joosub Boo Rahmah and desired Tahnoon to return the arms
                               which the Bunlyas had taken the day of the defeat,    He
                               accordingly restored 70 Matchlocks, 60 swords and 20 daggers.
                               Assoo sent me a letter on the boat for Muscat which I have
                               despatched.   On the 26th Salmln Khumees arrived and reported

                               H.H. departure for Muscat on the 21 with his Fleet and
                               Tahnoon's arrival at Aboothabee.   The Bunlyas have lost 50 or
                                70 men besides the wounded.  H.H. sent two letters by Salmln
                               bln Khumees one for Shalk Sooltan and one for his brother
                               Salih.   I am however Ignorant of their purports which I will

                               communicate as soon as I can find It out.   Shalk Sooltan Is
                               now in Ras el Khymah and Shaik Salih In Shargah.    You must
                               excuse this letter as It Is written at night but God willing
                                I will send you Information of all the events at length like
                               this communication both original and duplicate.

                               Translation of a letter from Moollah Houssein Agent at
                               Shargah dated 4 Deer 1828
                               AC I have the honor to inform you that on the 1 Inst  a man

                               belonging to Shaik Tahnoon's troops who was present during
                               the whole affair at Bahrein arrived here and reported that
                               after the defeat sustained by the Imam H.H. directed his Fleet
                               to weigh and proceed from the Khor of Kllla to Juseeb bln
                               Ruhmah where he remained a day to consult and advise upon

                               future measures with regard to the capture of Bahrein.    While
                               In this piaco ho rocolvcd a letter from Muscat informing him

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