Page 329 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 329


                            The war with Muscat, 1828-1829               319

        that Mombassa was in a disturbed state and begging him either
        to proceed in person or to send an army with the utmost
        possible speed,   This intelligence gave H.H. much concern and
        he determined upon instantly returning to Muscat without
        attempting to make any arrangements or settlement with his men.

        To this however Shaik Tahnoon would not consent as the whole
        of the subsistence of the Beniyas depends upon Bahrein and if
        they were cut off from keeping up an intercourse with that
        place it would lead to their ruin.   It was therefore settled
        that one of the Imam's principal men should proceed to Shaik
        Abdooila and endeavour to make peace between them upon the
        condition that the Bahrein Chief should continue the payment

        of the annual sum formerly given,   The Agents on the part of
        the Imam were Abdooila bln Mushary and Ally bin Saood and
        those on the side of the Bahrein Shaik were Abdool Rahman bin
        Rashid and another man.   They all met in a place called Hud.
        They were however unable to come to any adjustment and H.H.
        the Imam sailed away with his Fleet on 21 Nov 1828 on his

        return t*o Muscat.  At the same time Shaik Tahnoon returned to
        Aboothabee with his People,   On his arrival he learned that
        his territories had been plundered by Shaik Rashid bin
        Humeed's tribe the Unaeems.   Upon which he despatched
        orders to the Beduins under his control to assemble together
        at appointed places and directed that none of the inhabitants
        of Debaye should be permitted to leave the place for either
        trading or fishing.
        I mentioned in a former letter my intention of proceeding to
        Debaye to deliver your letter for Shaik Tahnoon but being
        attacked by the opthalmia I was unable to go.   I therefore

        sent it with a few lines to Khaleefa bin Dumeethan with a
        request for it to be forwarded as speedily as possible.   His
        answer I now enclose.   In a former report I stated that Sulmin
        bin Nassir had commenced rebuilding the ruined Fort of Derah
        in spite of the remonstrance made by Khuleefa bin Dumeethan.
        Upon Tahnoon's arrival at Aboothabee he desisted and I rather
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