Page 330 - Records of Bahrain (1) (i)_Neat
P. 330

320                        Records of Bahrain

                                think will proceed himself to Aboothabee.   After the receipt
                                of the Imam's letter sent by Sulmin bin Khumees to Sooltan bin
                                Suggur the latter prepared a communication to Shaik Abdoollah
                                bin Ahmed and sent it to his brother Salih with instructions
                                to despatch a boat with it to Bahrein which he did on the 30th

                                ult.  The general report is that the Imam has permitted Shaik
                                Sooltan to negotiate a peace between himself and the Chief of
                                Bahrein. I reported before that Rashid bin Humud and Ahmed

                                bin Suroor Boo Shamis had requested Sooltan to visit Zuet in
                                order to endeavour to make up their quarrel. He accordingly
                                proceeded there but failing to arrange matters returned. On
                                the 30 ult. Ally bin Ahmed a cousin of Rashid bin Humud
                                arrived at Ras el'Khymah with an application to bln Suggur
                                for assistance and support which the Shaik could not afford.

                                Ally bin Ahmed remained till the 3 inst. but being unable to
                                obtain the desired help took his departure for Zuet.
                                The greatest confusion is produced by the Beduins going about
                                in parties of 10 and plundering all they meet whether friend
                                or foe. Udwee and Mooslim bin Rashid's crew are still in

                                confinement. I send my letters now in duplicate in
                                consequence of the stormy season they are liable to be lost.
                                Enclosed are the copies of the letters I have sent.

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