Page 67 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 67
Total Import* of Principal Articles into Bahrain during the year* 1$26'27 to 1928-29—conld.
QcAlrrmr, ViUT.
1920-27 1927-29 1928-29 ! 1920-27 1927-28 1928-2*
£ £ £
Charcoal 5,304 11394 <5.7f2
Firewood 17.2SO 2U85 21,542
Keravne : . Tina 63,8.30 10--..S60 65.332 15.244 23JJL1 14,985
Petrol .... „ 10 ,5*00 13,750 22,310 3.609 52*83 7.7a
Other ODi 13,4<51 14J537 11,9(8
Pearls, SbeCs and Specie, etc.—
Pearls .... 15j370 14J70 27,43
Shell* . . . i 5.33 781 213
Specie .... 469,476 &53J) 90 383.431
Coffee Cuts. 10.139 1074 12,163 98,796 95A68 109,858
Fish Dried i 4,229 2-100 3.495
Ghee : . Cab. 101*988 89.120 110.796 , 42.432 37.S07 00,995
Spices : i 28,0*50 23052 32,718
Date* 05.223 63*13 29.07)
Other sort* ;. 22,0.‘51 1C680 19.0C1
. i
. Bags 132 i 7.S71 352 1.139 7.2C3
. Toas 1,718 ; 2J)~A 48.4.88 55.035 53,678
32578 <V338 : 65,524 111899 104,059
. Cases 7.790 12,670 56.711 »,471 81,3)7
Provisions of other lands ! 15,815 15,781 20,2)3
Textiles and Fabrics— }
Wearing Apparels ; 7;970 iuu 12.H3
Cotton Good* 234.W8 219,563 ; 238,150
Silk Goods 14,608 14,522 24,9i8
Silver a-rd Cold Thread i. 9,3*58 14,605 17,9)2
Colton Twist and Vans ? 10,604 1M22: 11.H8
Wool and. Woollen Good* . 212 U81 8^89
Chios F-irtbfo and ClutTue 5,000 M97 6.K3
Coir aod Rope .. . . 15,9*53 15.051 13,7*3
Drugs aw) Medicine* . . . » 3.846 W90 4,8)9
Haberdashery and Hosiery •• 6,048 C02* I 74»
Hardware and Cutlery 14,597 15,76* | 28,72
Hides aw) Skips . .. 3.471 2.793 4479
Hooscbc^d Goods . 41 22,733 27,812; \ 34.IE7
Perfumery . 9^59 ' ~&o l
Matches........................................ 3,027 2470 11,143
Tobacco . . • 31,397 28^0* 38,112
Can Not 31 47 44 5,0*1 UU } 5.7»
Cycle (Pa*) ! J •! • •
Aemswpa ... 22H> W8* j 3,13
Boat* .... 2 1 88 89
Article* sot asentiooed aboro 11.738 1W79 j 110*747
Total 12,116,616