Page 70 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 70


                                          TABLE Ol—IMPORTS—frn#*L
                Totat value of Import! from Principal Countries into Bahrain Islands daring the ysnrs 1928-27 to
                                                 I                     I       f*trt
                  Akticlis axd CorxTM** from wnicn wronm,                     1
                                                   1920-27  1527-28   1928-29 ' 1926-27 1 1927-28 ISC__ 1 ' *
                TrotiwoDt—■ctnidL                i 1                   !  C   !  £
                  Fruits other sort*—
                   Arab Coart                    i                     i !  2,586   1.739
                   liuni •   .  »                       :!                1.552 .  1.382
                   Perris .                                            !  5.640  2.195
                   Turkey (Europe)                                        1.364
                   Indis . '                                             10.556  11473  U440
                   A fries .                                               133
                  Gbee                                                 I
                   Arab Coast .              . Cals, i 102,128 !   69.440   27.34S  41.204  23,895  13,773
                   Baers .                           I •  j   29.160.   68,14*  13,671  »421
                   Persis .  i                 99     f*6 j  80.   1,364   290     31    798
                   Indis ,                            f«'8   440   119,924  121   210   11,034
                   Turkey i                      I   1,614                 717 .
                   Arab Cos*                     I                         139   1.689  1.098
                   India .                       «                       26.553  2v>4«(i  30,612
                   Persia .                      i                        1,368   977    404
                   Basrah .                                            ;                  12
                  Sugar, Candy-—
                   India .                                                 352   1,139   706
                   Europe .                      I                                      *410
                  Sugar, Loaf—                  *:                            t
                   India .                       I                        8471  19,854
                   Arab Coast                                  4            17
                   Turkey .                                    4            4
                   Europe ...                                  «         40,058  38,181  33,677
                  Sugar, Soft--                                i              i
                   Bass .   .   .                      1       4    44      13           735
                   India .                           3491   6,090 :  5.844  64,007  104,700  92,422
                   Turkey .                            10                        A %
                   Europe ...                    j    30     440    BOO          7,199  11,492
                   Arab Coaat  .              Chsea   10             17                   77
                   Basra                                     44                   261   • •
                   India ,                     - I   7,740  3.556  12,653       250410  91420
                 Attritions of ether aorth—    — i             ;
                   Arab Coast  ,   .                                             1,458  1,730
  ;                Bairs .                                                         58    279
                   India ...                                                    12487   13,823
                   Persia ...                                                           2,405
                   Turkey .   .   ,                                                     • •
                   Europe .   .   .              I                               4420   1,970
                   Africa .
                Tesrtllea and Fabric*—
                  Wearing Apparel—
                   Arab Coaat .                 b                                       4,028
                   India .                                                              3.996
                   Persia .                          • •                                2460
                   Turkey .
                   Europe .                                                               15
                  Cotton Good*—
                   Arab Coaat                                                            061
                   Basrah ,                                                     10,664  15431
                   India .                                                     1984*6  0*4*>
                   Turkey .
                   Persia .
                   Europe .                                               9461 : .  1,007  74M

   h                                                                                             M
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75