Page 71 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 71


                                 TABLE C-I—IMP ORTS—coni A.
       Total value of Import* from Principal Countrie* into Bahrain I aland* during tha year* 1926*27 to
                                       1028-25—coW.            _____________________
        Auticwi axd Cocjrnuw mo* wioce mrowED.                        1927-28  1928-29
                                         1926-17  1927-28  1928-29  1926-27

                                                                £      t       £
        Icxtiln and Fabric*—cwrft
         fiilk Good*—                                            2^36   4.871  3,669
          Itm .                                                 11,483  14.6W  21,065
          India                                                   899
          Turitcj .   .                                                   11
          Penia .   .                                                           254
          Europe .
         8ilecr and Gold thread                                   41
          Ban .                                                  9,947  10,665 ;  17.602
          Inin .   .
         Twist and Yarn—                                          133
          Arab Coast                                                   10,ICO i   10,730
           In da                                                 9.817   253 *
           Peru* .                                                692           438
           Bunk .
         Woo! and Woollen Good*—                                          74 1
           Arabia .                                               185       \
           Torkej .                                                4    " ss!
           Persia .                                                23    743     38
           B*<ra ...                                                     258
           Lada ...
         China, Earthen and Gaayware—                            3313   4.G38  [4 35*
           Jo5a .   .   .  .                                                     44
           Arab Coast .   . •                                     287    433 9   97
           Praia ....                                                          11341
           Europe ....                                           1326   1,017
           Tcrke-y ....                                            74            U
           Bi-'rab ....
         Coir and Hope—                                           138    126    332
           Arab Cost ...
           Ttrkrj ....                                            178         .18,008
           Io5a ....                                            15,667  18A»     44
           Burah .                                                             1372
           Praia ....                                                            90S
           Eirope ....
         Drop and Mediebr*—
           Arab Coast .                                           236
           lWah .                                                2338
           India                                                  702
           Praia                                                   59
         Babrrdasberj and TTraisry ■■                              28            a
           Ban                      F                    • •     Ull    6,028  7.213
           8^®* •   •   •                                          87            IIS
           Euop* .
         Hardvas* aadCvtkcTr*
           Arab Coast .   .                                       104            38
                                                                   98            Mi
                                                          • •   10J942         t&6di
           Praia                                                  131
                                                                 31324         12,738
   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76