Page 74 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 74
table B-n—exports-<w.
Total Exports of Principal Articles from Bahrain daring the years 192S-27 to 1928-2S—conid.
Qcaktitt. Val n.
Article*. i
1920-27 ' 1927-29 1028-29 1026-27 1927-28 j 1928.29
! ! £ £ £
S np»i 34 10€ ’ 124
Cindr 39 50
Loaf.' 2R>»4 ; 32.910 49.050 jijMT ; 45,729 W.218
Soft Ton* 2.211 3.0*4 • 4.r*w 43.590 I 00.776
Tea Cmc« 2*97 , 3.3-5 | 4.1 89 21.111 ; 18.193 ! 27,542
All other kinds 3.73* • 8.841 ' 3.132
Textile* and Fabrics— I
Apparri—Wearing 4.484 < 7.367 « 2.717
Cot i oil Good* . 122,412 . 9<1.702
Silk Goods -V*29 j 7_V9 4.704
Silver and Cold Thread 5J95 7J19 3.635
TwM and Yam 2.1181 . 3JsO 3,401
Wool uid Woollen Good* l.Ood 1.059 520
MiweRatrous— !
China. Earthen and Glass-ware 2J74 2,339 1.S73
Coir avi Rojie . 4.425 5.521 2.940
Dru:r« and Medicines . i 13^7 2.713 1.402
llaberia»bery an«l Hosiery 3272 42122 2.336
Hardware and Cutlery ' • 3.739 10.474 5,96*
Bides snd Skin* 2,405 l.k.72 2.050
Household Goods 6.452 17.950 7/*35
i Matches .... 4.H* 3*57 • 1.042
3*77 |
i Perfunery
Tobacco .... 5.379 5*70 . 3*0*
MotorCars ... .Not 5 21 23 *11 4*S1 • 2*85
Accessories 373 720 1 233
Artlrlcj not mentioned above 9,420 12*31 49,029
! i i
Total 1,014,041 993,723
Total value of Exports to Principal Co on trie* from the Bahrain Islands during the years 1926*27 to
QoAsmrr. Valcs.
Articles akd Cocmaxs to KXSOSZSB.
it 2«n 1927-28 1928-29 1924-27 1927-28 19*8-23
t £ I
Bonding Xitsrlili-
Timber sad Wood—
Arab Coast 1.131 1*90
» 430 16
India • •