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The bibliographical information included in this reference was collected from
many sources including some little known periodicals. This bibliography does
not include titles in languages written in non-Roman alphabets, and
unfortunately for practical reasons does not include Arabic language texts. The
sources included arc arranged by author, then by the date of the publication,
or unpublished manuscript.
A number of important bibliographies are worth mentioning which include
references to Bahrain's archaeological work. These bibliographies have
contributed to the development of this work and are included in this
bibliography. They include : E. Haerinck and K.G. Stevens' 1985 Prc-Islamic
Archaeology of Kuwait, North-eastern Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab
Emirates and Oman: A Bibliography which contains useful sections on Bahrain
as well as D.T. Potts' 1983 "Bibliography of Bahraini Archaeology - Appendix
I" in Dilmun, New Studies in the Archaeology and Early History of Bahrain,
and his comprehensive two volume The Arabian Gulf in Antiquity, published
in 1990, as well as P.T.H. Unwin's World Bibliographic Series 49: Bahrain
published in 1984. More recent are Gordon Davis' 1993 Catalogue of the
Baltaiti Historical and Archaeological Society Library, and Mansoor Sarhan's
1995 Bahrain National Bibliography which includes references on archaeology
in the section entitled: "Geography and History".
In addition several articles and books have included useful bibliographic
references including : Kurkis Awad's "Reference works on Bahrain", Michael
Rice's The Archaeology in the Arabian Gulf c. 5000-323 B.C.; Henry
MacAdam's "Dilmun revisited", Michael Rice and Haya Al-Khalifa's Bahrain
Through the Ages, The Archaeology, Moawiyah Ibrahim's Excavations of the
Arab Expedition at Sar el-Jisr, Branwen Denton's 1991 dissertation "The late
second millennium B.C. in the Arab/Iranian Gulf", Jean-Yves Breuil's 1995
dissertation" La N&rropole d'Ali d Bahrain", Flemming Holund and H.H.
Andersen's 1994 QaVat al-Bahrain: The Northern City Wall and the Islamic
Fortress, Vol. 1, and C.E.S. Gavin's "Early visual documentation of Bahrain".
All of the above list additional bibliographies and reference works.