Page 346 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
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imminent and it was decided to depute Captain Shakes pear as Political Officer
with him the Amir undertook to receive him with the friendship and cor
diality which had characterised their former relations. Captain Shakespear
arrived at Kuwait towards tho end of November and left on 13th December
to join Bin Saud in the interior.
Various Shaikhs havo visited the Political Agent from time to time during
TriuiAffairt. thc Jcar 23 usual. The desort routes
havo boon safe generally speaking, but
the following raids, etc., have taken place:—
(1) In January Ajaimi bin Sa’dun of thc Muntafik tribe raided the
Thaflir near Shagra in circumstances of peculiar treachery. The
Thaffir lost 200 sheep, 300 camels, and all their camp equip
(2) In March tho Malabia section of thc TJmtair tribe raided the Zaid
to thc west of Al Batim taking 13 horses.
(3) In April Ibn Rashid murdered his guardian Salim Ibn Sabhan, an
official who had for many years performed good services in his
(4) In September a party of the Shammar tribe while proceeding to
Zubair raided some Umtairis, capturing 120 goats and sheep.
The Umtair, however, attacked them on tho return journey and
carried oil all their camels.
• No tours were made by the Political Agent in thc interior during 1914.
In March and again in August he visited Basrah ar.d Mohammerah in the
launch “Lewis Polly ” and in SojJtember
paid a short visit to Bushire.
Thc Officiating Political Resident in the Persian Gulf visited Kuwait in
May and again in Septcmbor. H. M. S. “Fox’* appeared in the port on
three occasions in March, June, and July. No other man-of-war called
at Kuwait during the year.
Captain W. U. I. Sliakespoar, G.I.E., was Political Agent from 1st—19th
January. On the latter date Lieutenant-Colonel AV, G. Grey assumed charge
which he retained until the end of the year.
Captain Shakespear on relief proceeded overland to Egypt via Akaba, a
somewhat perilous journey which was successfully accomplished.
Assistant Surgeon C. C. Kelly, I.S.M.D., was in medical charge of the
Agency and Charitable Dispensary throughout the year.
W. G. GREY, Lieutenant-Colonel,
Political Agent, Kmc ail.
The 16th February 1916. 1
8 0, P. T., PeUil-300 P D.—104-1C-*