Page 393 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 393

FOR TEE YEAR 1916.                      39
             months only throughout the year. In spite of this however tho cargo handled
             compares very favourably, as regards quantity, with that of the previous year.
             Ono striking featuro of the transport during 1915 is the use of this route for the
             conveyance of goods to Hamadan and Kermanshah, which, in normal times,
             take tho 13asrah-Baghdad route. From enquiries made in the North, it is
             fairly woll established that tho majority, or very considerable portion of cargo
             which has gono over this route to Hamadan and Kcrmanshah, has been passed
             on to Baghdad. This cargo comprises for the most part, tea, and piece goods.
                 Owing to tho demand for transport, rates have been correspondingly high,
             having reached Krans 13 per Shah maund for Ispahan, and • 19 Krans for
             Hamadan cargo (£37 and £55 per ton).

                                                       E. NOEL, Captain,
                                   Sis Majesty's Vice-Consul and Assistant Resident,

             A comparison of goods forwarded from Ahicaz to Ispahan and vice yers&
                             during the years 1913,1914, and 1915.

                   Year. Pkgs.      Cwts.          Year.   Pkgs.   Cwts.
                   1913   14,401   17,646          1913   12,748   15,842
                   1914   15,418   17,080          1914    5,776    6,533
                   1915   6,212     8,788          1915   8,237    12,053

                                       Antm-ils employed.
                   Upwards—                     1913.     1914.      1915.
                                     Camels .   1,640      542
                                     Mules >    4,180     6,382    3,259
                                     Donkeys •  2,140     7,024
                                     Camels •    425
                                     Mules •     5,925   2,748      4,110
                                     Donkeys .   • ••                • ••

                                     Average rates of hire,
            Upwards per Shah maund—             1913.    1914.      1915.
                                     Camels      6-70     6*00       • ••
                                     Donkeys •   4r40      • ••      • ••
                                     Mules      7*35      7*00       7*80

            Downwards per Shah maund—
                                     Camels     2*55       •••       •••
                                     Donkeys . .                     •••
                                     Mules   «   8-26     2-85      2*99
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