Page 394 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 394
YEAR 1915.
Lioutenant-Colonel R. A. E. Benn, C.I.E., held charge of the Agency
from 1st January to loth October on
which date he handed over charge of the
.Agency to Major H. Stewart, C.I.E., and proceeded on six-weeks’ privilege leave,
Major Stewart romaining in charge till the end of the year. The post of the
Agency Surgeon, Maskat, was vacant throughout the year. The Sub-Assist
ant Surgeon remained in charge of the Agency Hospital during the year.
Monsieur A. Jeannier was Consul for Erance throughout the year and
Mr. Muhammad Eazel was Vico aud
Foreign Co-jaal*.
Deputy -Consul for United States for
America from 1st January to 7th March wh en the Consulate was closed and
ail its furniture and archives were despatched to Basrah for transmission to
tho American Consul at Baghdad.
The relations of His Britannic Majesty’s Consul with his colleagues have
been most cordial throughout the year. Abdul Aziz bin Ruwaihi, the French
Consulate Dragoman, visited Sur once during the year for the purpose of
renewing the French dhows papers.
The Political Resident in the Persian
ViaiU of the Political Beeident
Gulf did not visit Maskat during the
The birthday of Her Majesty Queen Mary was celebrated on the 2Cth
May and that of His Majesty the King-
Emperor on the 3rd June, the latter
under special permission of the Government of India. On both occasions the
usual ceremonies were observed.
On the 12th July the Agency flagstaff was dressed ao well as His High
ness the Sultan’s forts, Yacht and the French Consulate to celebrate the
surrender of South-West Africa to the British. His Highness the Sultan sent
the “ Nnr-ul-Bahr round Matrah with flags flying and syrens blowing to
announce the news. On the 14th July the French National Fete day was
celebrated and the Agency flagstaff dressed for the occasion. The Agency
flagstaff was also dressed on the following occasions:—
OcaitoM. Date.
Proclamation Day , 1st January.
MauIud-an-Nabi » 28th January,
Ramazan Id • • 13th August.
Bakri Id ♦ 20th October.
The health of His Highness the Sultan has been good throughout the
....... . 0 year and the relations between this
HU Hlghnc*. tlit'SclUn and Family. ^g(Jncy ^ ^ Hi?hne68 lave been
very cordial. His Highness has frequently visited the Batinah Coast daring
the year.
Be also visited Dhofar during the year, having left Maskat on the 8th
December and remaining absent from his capital till the end of the year,
fiaiyid Dhiyab bin Fabad bin Turki, His Highness’ cousin, mentioned at pagp
41 of last year’s report, rotumed to Maskat in July and was married to His
Highness* sister, Shatook bin Faisal, on the 6th September. Saiyid Dhiyab is
now staying in Mask at and has taken up his residence in a separate house
rented from Saiyid Yusuf az Zuwawi. His mother, Bibi Sharifab, arrived in
Maskat from Zanzibar on the 8th October and returned to Zanzibar on the
?5th November,