Page 472 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 472

                 reports in circulation concerning tho property left by the Saiyid. Some say
                 lie was enormously rich for tlicso parts and had besides a largo number 0f
                 rifles with a corresponding quantity of ammunition amongst his possessions.
                 Others ridicule the idea and state ho was only a trader on a small scalo and
                 died practically a poor man. Mir Barkat is credited with having taken over
                 all the Saiyid’s cstato and report has it that over 500 rifles passed into hi8
                 hands. This is, howover, only a suspicion, unsupported by proof.
                     Sardar Islam Khan, the recognised chief of these districts, has the
                                               reputation of boing a strong man and
                          Bint and Kanran.
                                               woll disposed towards us, but ho (lid not
                 show up well during tho earlier part of tho year when great unrest provailed
                 in the Karwan district, tho Khalifa Khair Muhammad for some unknown
                 reason being permitted to cut the lines or urge the people to do so whenever
                 it pleased him. The Jouslidaris and other Karwanis, under tho instigation of
                 tho Khalifa between February and July last, on eight occasions, interrupted
                 communication between Jask and Oharbar, thus rendering the land-lines
                 useless to Karachi and seriously interfering with tho traflic between Meso­
                 potamia and India. The duration of interruptions during these months totalled
                 17 days, tho cause varying from destruction of the lines to the removal of
                 insulators. Islam Khan, when referred to, always replied to the effect that he
                 was powerless to interfere with the Khalifa and his doings, as the man had all
                 tho country with him, and that lie could only take steps to pacify the people
                 when our Government came forward to assist him with munitions and men.
                 Since August last little or nothing has been heard of the Khalifa ; from being
                 openly hostile he appears to have quieted down and reports have come in that
                 ho was desirous of being friendly and it bas also been said that he regretted
                 his past conduct. At the time of wiitiug the Khalifa is residing at Mogansba-
                 boo, a village in the Hint district.
                     About July last, in a squabble between Mirza Khan, one of Islam Khan’s
                 brothers and the son. of the latter, the result of a dispute concerning the right
                 to collect revenue in certain districts, a fight ensued at Bint and w’ith it the
                 death of Mirza Khan who was killed by a stray bullet. The first report
                 received of the fight exaggerated the casualties which were said to he many ;
                later on it came to light that Mirza Khan was the only one to receive mortal
                injuries and that the. cause was due to the man coming out in the open when
                both sides were firing wildly at the time. The death of Mirza Khan has been
                the cause of a deal of friction between the younger brothers (Nagdi and Saliib
                Khan) aud Islam Khan, the former asserting that the elder brother (Islam
                Khan) was the instigator of his death and that Ins son had instructions to do
                away with him. But from information received such is not the case ; Mirza's
                death was the result of an accident; if he had remained under cover until the
                excitement subsided, no harm would have come to him. Several influential
                chiefs, including Mir Barkat of Biaban and Mir Mustafa Khan of Jask, are
                interesting themselves in the affair and will shortly proceed to Bint with the
                intention of bringing about a reconciliation between the brothers.
                    Since the death of Sardar Saiyid Khan his eldest son Hussain Khan, *
                                               boy of about 12 years, is the leading Sar­
                        Gaih and Kuiorkaod.
                                               dar of these districts, and judging by his
                actions at this immature age it would appear that he will probably turn out a
                strong man. At present the boy is supposed to be under the guardianship «
                Sardar Islam Khan of Bint who is nominally managing the affairs of tho
                district, but the guardian is fast losing the little control he ever had by hi*
                unpopularity and meanness. It is said that, by tho express wish of the late
                Saiyid Khan, this chief was appointed guardian and in spite of tho opposition
                raised by closer relations of the late Sardar, who naturally resent
                interference by a distant connection, as they consider it more their right to
                control the country during the minority of Hussain Khan. Besides, the
                a ppointment of Islam a9 guardian has created jealousy amongst all the chiefs
                the Mekrau and he is only adding to his unpopularity by his close ways* "
                being reported that Hussain Khan and his followers are stinted in every Wl
                and supplies cut down to a minimum.

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