Page 582 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 582


                                                     Monsieur Bourgeois remained in
                                                 oharge ns Provincial Dirootor of Custon>3
                                                 throughout tho year.-
                      The garrison remainod tho Bamo as that described in the Administration
                        British MQIUrj Fore, .t Mh     f°r M17,W»til the BushirO ForC,
                                                 was formed. On Beptembor 28th tho
                   latter was constituted as follows
                      At Bushiro—
                          Commanding, Major-General J. A. Douglas, C.M.Q., C.I.E,
                          Brigade Headquarters.
                          1 8quadron, 16th Lanoers.
                         ‘2 Sections, Indian Mountain Artillery.
                          Bushire Section, Royal Field Artillery.
                          2 Sections, Machine Gun Company.
                          1 Local Machine Gun Seotion.
                          7lst Punjabis.
                          81st Pioneers.
                          2-113th Infantry.
                          101st Pack Mule Corps.
                          No. 4 Draught Bullock Corps.
                      The following units subsequently arrived in Bushire :—
                          Trench Mortars.
                          3rd Indian M. G. G. Company 2nd half.
                          16th Lancers—1 C * and * D9 Squadrons.
                          65th Coke's Rifles.
                          2-94th Russell's Infantry.
                          117th Hahrattas.
                          127th Baluchis.
                          17th Mule Corps.
                          49th Mule Corps.
                          51st Mole Corps.
                          No. 3 Pack Wireless.
                          Mechanical Transport—Malay Ford Van Company.
                          Mechanical Transport No. 7 Mechanical Transport Company.
                          Royal Air Force. 1 flight
                      This year has seen great, and, it is to be hoped, deciave changes in this
                                                 region. Events here showed a certain
                   Condition* la Bostire H inter land ud on tbc correspondence With the  course  of the
                  «wl                            European war. The opening of the year
                  found the s£ne chaotic conditions prevailing as were described in last year's
                  report Coincident with the apparent success of the German thrust, in March
                  and April, came a vigorous development of intrigue against the South Persia
                  Rifles, organised in Tehran. The principal efforts of the intriguers were
                  directed towards the undermining of discipline in the Corps, and 'towards
                  inducing 8oulet-ed-Douleh, the Hkhani of the .Kashgai, to come out in open
                  opposition to the Governor-General and the pro-British party. Opening>,n
                  April, with several cases of desertion, due entirely to political causes, the
                  campaign of agitation next centred on the Kashgai tribe, whose migration   is
                  normally in full progress by the end of that month. In the course of tjj*
                  month of May, 8ouJet-ed-Douleh, then IlJdiani, came out openly against tJ»
                  British, and began a regular “Jehad” campaign; and, on May 25th, the PJJ®
                  at Kbaneh Zinian, 27 miles from Shiraz, was treacherously surrendered by *
                  South Persia Rifles to a mixed force of Kaahgais and Kazerunis; Capw

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