Page 589 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 589

                                     FOR THE YEAR 1*18-
                At Kharag Island several cases of cholera occurred in the end of August.
                                              The number of vessels which called at
                                            the various porta is as under :—

                                             Numbor of   Number  Number of   Number ftf
                                              yobbo) >.                 passengers
                                                        crew.  oo board.  for ports.
             Bo shire                            170    18,208   15,171    7,794
             Jlobatnmerah                        268    17,740    9,316    3,393
             liingib •                             6      530      127       26
             Bandar Abbaa                         62     6,603    4,943    1,098
             Jask •                               97     7,117    7,544      220
             Kuwait                               27     2,626    3,222      663
             Bahrain                              42     3,468    8,723     801

                                    J. MACPHERSON, Major,
                                         Residency Surgeon in the Persian Gulf.
                 Btjshirb ;   )
             The 2oth June 1919.
   584   585   586   587   588   589   590   591   592   593   594