Page 615 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 615

                                   FOE THE YEAR 1918.
           ■Mustafa Khan, and a representative of Mir Barkat at Jask and the representa-
           tives  of Din Muhammad and Mahmud Khan at Charbar .
              Mr. Hughes report on the condition of the districts between Jask an
           j3ol)U is enclosed.         __________

                                          J ASK.*
              Mr. 0. H. St. John, Assistant Superintendent, was in charge of the tele-
           graph station throughout the year.
              The appointment of the Deputy Governor was still vacant when the year
                                          closed. Meshhedy Abbas in charge of
                    Poni&D officials.     the customs was relieved on the 17th June
           by Mr. M. J. Ferro, an Indo-Portugucso subject, who hold charge for the
           remainder of the year.
              The detachment of 3rd Brahmins remained at Jask during the year. The
                                          average monthly strength was 132 non­
                   Military detachment.
                                          commissioned officers and men and two
           British officers, but owing to influenza the number of non-commissioned officers
           and men was temporarily reduced at the end of the year to 83.
              H. M. S. “ Bramble, ” “ Britomart, ” “ Mozaffsr,” “ MLinto ” and
                                          “ Ne&rchus ” occasionally visited the port
                                          during the year.
               Arab dhow “ Muafiq " foundered at Gabreg. All cargo was lost. The
                                           “ Nakhuda ” and crew were sent by Store-
                                           ship to Kuwait.
               Mr. Bill, Deputy Political Resident, paid a short visit to this port in
               An improved Acetylene beacon light was fixed by the Commander of H.
           IT. S. “ Nearchus ** near the sea-shore with an all round visibility of 12
               Pour geologists of Anglo-Persian Oil Company came here in December
           and left for Biyaban.

               Mr. P. W. Lang held charge of the Telegraph station throughout the
               Mirza Ibrahim Khan carried out the duties of Customs Collector during
                     tab. (MM.             the year.
               Shahdad Abbas and Yusuf Safar were the Walis of Charbar throughout
                                           tbe year acting under tho orders of Mirs
                                           Din Muhammad and Mahmud TOn^i
               The payment of Rs. 450 a month by the. Political Residency, Bushire, to
           Bin Muhammad and Mahmud Khan for the protection of the village   as a
           temporary measure was continued throughout the year.
               The strength of the military detachment during the year was two British
                    Military detachment.   Officers, two Indian officers and 100 rank
                                           and file.
               Dhow Muafiq of Kuwait mentioned in last year’s report was not refloated
                       Wwdt.               and became a total wreck.

                             lheco"ntry cra* “ Vithalpassa ’’ which ran aground at
                   f labt yea\8. reP?rt’ ZeTe st°leo ^ the Baluchis except some oases of
           thTJr^nhWTf auctl0“ed at Oharbar and the proceeds paid to the 08868 01
                                                                        owner of
             e cargo. The vessel became & total wreck.
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