Page 620 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 620
suooumbcd to influonza. The Karwnnis and Joushdaris are completely out of
hand and do not acknowledge any of the chiefs, they havobecn systematically
damaging our lines removing insulators and theatering our line staff. Both
Sahib Khan and Yahya Khan have on several occasions promised to punish the
culprits and prevent recurrences but did not do anything. It now remains
to bo seen whethor Yahya Khan will take any stops.
Tho Khalifah is still inimical to the British and attempted to raise a follow
ing to destroy our lines and attack Charbar, but as the chiefs did not give him
support the idea was abandoned.
Another man with fanatical intentions is Saiyid Alim Shah, who supported
the Khalifah and is reported to have persuaded Mir Hoti of Lashar to join in
the movement but apparently they did not succeed in getting together a suffi.
cient following as nothing was done by them.
Dashtiari District.
Mahmud Khan and Bin Muhammad are joint chiefs of this district.
Although to all appearances they are friendly there is no doubt that a consider-
ablo.amount of ill-feelingjoxists and that if it were not that they feel that we
do not approve of any fighting amongst chiefs, they would soon find something
to quarrel about.
In February 191S, when the new line from Saldji Kaur to Charbar was
being constructed, Mir Jan Muhammad of Nok Bundian, with an armed force,
stopped the working paxsy and only allowed work to proceed, when a promise
was given to recommend him for a subsidy. On the return journey, in March
1918, he again was inclined to be truculent and would not allow us to replace
my posts in his district with chandals. On the 6th April 1918, news was receiv.
ed that his eider brother Mir Gul Muhammad (who really is responsible for
that district) was murdered at the instigation of Din Muhammad who was
annoyed at the treatment meted out to the construction party at Nok Bundian.
Bahu Bistbict.
Mirs Ashraf Khan and Ahmad Khan ruled this district till early in
Becember when the former succumbed to influenza, his son Subhan Khan is
now joint chief with bis uncle Mir Ahmad. There is seldom if ever any trouble
in this district, as the chiefs are very quiet and treat their subjects with
great consideration.
Mir Ashraf had ceded part of Bahu district to Din Muhammad of Dashti
ari but wheu the latter commenced to levy taxes, the former objected saying
that as Bin Muhammad bad not kept his promise the deal was off. In August
1918, Mir Abmad Khan and Jalal Khan of Gwetter intervened and paid Din
Muhammad Rs. 10,000. Previous to this a considerable amount of ill-feeling
existed between Bin Muhammad and the late Mir Ashraf.
Great anxiety prevails regarding the harvest as there has been no rain.
The people consequently fear famine. There is no fodder available, and cattle
are in very poor condition. If no rain should fall within a short period the
death rate among the animals will be very high.
. The whole country has been ravaged by the influenza and hundreds of
people have succumbed, in addition to two of our subsidised chiefs Sahib Khan,
and Ashraf Khan. Hot Bhai Khan, Azem Khan, son of Mahmud Khar of
Dashtiari, and several other notables hare died.
In November 1918, shortly after the surrender of Turkey became known,
Moulvi Abdullah of Hait preached a jehad and got together a following ’wlth
the intention of committing fanatical outrages and let it be known that they
would attack our camp and kill the teleg-aph officials. As the chiefs were
not able to suppress the movement we had to return to Charbar and wait to
a regular escort to continue the work. Our relations with the chiefs have been