Page 616 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 616

                                                  No foreign subjects resided at the ports
                           Foreign labjools.    of the Mekran Coast during the year.
                     The following chiefs were in receipt of telegraph subsidies during tho

                       Name of chief.    UabUi!.           Bonn.            telcgnph

                 Mir Mnstafa Khan of Jask •  Old Jask  Cbemgh Khan, Murad Khan, Dad   480
                                                  Khuda Khan, Jalal Khan, Bwrdar
                                                  Khan, Abdi Khan, Aram Khan,
                                                  Abdallah Khan, and one infant.
                 Mir Iloti of Jask       Old Josk  Mohim and Baji .   .   .   •  380
                 Mir Sahib Khan of Bint   Bint   Karamook, Bukhshoo, Rabook .  250
                 Mir Yaliya Khan of Bint   Bint                                 250
                 Sardnr Hossain Khan of Gaih  Gaih                            1,000
                 Mir Din Muhammad Khan of  Mir Bazar  Abdi Khan                 500
                 Mir M&hxnnd Khan of Dash'S-  Talang  Purra Khan, Dilawar Khan, Sher   500
                   an.                            Dffi Kbas, Babufc Ktsan, and Ghoas
                                                  Bakhsk Khan.
                 Alir Asbraf Khan of Bsbn  Suod  Scbhau and Peer Bukhsh         600
                 Mir Ahmed Kh&n of Bsha %  Rnnja  Sbai Mc_hatmnad Khan, Hashim   400
                                                  Khan, and Islam Khan.

                     MLiis AsbraT Khan and Sahib Khan died of influenza in December. The
                 payment by the Political Residency of extra monthly subsidies on account of
                 the war for the protection of the telegraph line to the above chiefs and Mir
                 Barkat was continued throughout, the year.
                     A new telegraph line between Sun tsar and Charbar was constructed during
                 the.year.. This line is further inland than the old line, in country less subject
                 to floods and not so affected by the damp sea breeze. The line is at present
                 pa rtly temporary but wfl.1 be made permanent when the state of tho country
                 pe units of the work being completed.
                      Old line between Gwadur and Charbar wRi be probably dismantled
                  later on.
                     The telegraph line between Charbar and Jask was interrupted owing to
                  wilful damage by Joushdaris and Karwanis during the year as follows:—■
                                        47 hours during January.
                                       118 *      „ February.
                                       268 „      „ March.
                                        93 „      m ApriL
                                        « „       n 5oly-
                                        42 „      » August
                                        65 *      „ December.
                      The Director left Karachi on a special tour of inspection on the 15th
                                                 April and after visiting the telegraph
                               Tour.             stations up to nod including Bushire re­
                  turned to Headquarters on the 5th May. He again left Karachi on 4tb
                  November Tinted all tefqgrsph stations up to Basrah, returning to Karac*!1
                  on the 15th December. On the down journey he interviewed Mirs Hoti,
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