Page 621 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 621
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Assistant Surgeon C. H. Lincoln held
PeieoDoel. charge of the Consulate at Mohammerah
throughout the year.
Officer with the troops at Ah was.
There were several changes of Political .'Officers at Dizful and Shushtar
during the year. .
Captain C. J. Edmonds, Political Officer at Distal, was ill and invalided
out of the country. Captain F. S. Greenhouse, on relief by Major F. M.
Bailey, C.I.E., at Shushtar, took over charge at Dizful on 13th December 1918.
Captain Greenhouse was later transferred to Baghdad and was relieved by
Captain T. W. Thompson-Glovcr who still holds the appointment.
At Shushtar Major F. M. Bailey, C.I E., was transferred in February, and
Captain D de 11. S. Fraser took his pis?*- He was in turn transferred and handed
over charge to Lieutenant W. J. VTan^n, Commanding Sagwand Levy. Lieu
tenant Warren was transferred [to Kermanshah, and Captain Gcard was
appointed Assistant Political Officer, Shushtar, and still tolas the appointment.
At Ahwaz, Lieutenant Ker was Assistant Political Officer till October
when he was ill and later invalided. Captain Kirk, R.A.M.C., who had relieved
Captain T. H. Bishop, I.M.S.,as Civil Surgeon, Arabian, when the latter officer
proceeded up country with Captain E. C. B. Peel, carried on the duties of
Assistant Political Officer, Ahwaz, in addition to his own, until he was trans
ferred to Baghdad in November, when Major Napier, I.M S., was appointed and
still holds charge of both appointments.
His Excellency Sir Khazal Khan, G.C.IE., K C.S.I., Shaikh of Moham
merah, has remained ruler of South Ara-
Local officials. bistan and the various Arab tribes inhabit
ing North Arabistan.
His Excellency the Shaikh visited Kuwait a few times during the year
and also visited Ahwaz in March, when he was accompanied by Shaikh Ghazban
of Beni Laam, Shaikh Abdul Hamid Khan, Deputy Governor of Ah wax,
Haji Rais-ut-Tujjar, C.I.B., Mughis-ud-Do^leh and Meaven-ul-XIulk. His
Excellency returned to Mohammerah on 9th May.
Shaikh Chassib Khan, Nusrat-ul-Mulk, eldest son of Hjs Excellency the
Shaikh, was Deputy Governor of the town of Mohammerah throughout the
year. Shaikh Abdul Hamid Khan, second son of His Excellency- the Shaikh,
was Deputy Governor of Ahwaz throughout tho year. Mufatteh-ul-Mnlk
W1S appointed Governor of Shushtar and arrivedfrom Tehran to takeover charge
at Shushtar. He visited His Excellency the Shaikh of Mobammerah in Sep
tember. Seraj-ul-Mulk, Revenue Officer of Dizful, arrived from Tehran vid
•Baghdad and left Mohammerah for Shushtar in December.
Shaikh Ghazban of Beni Laam in now living at Mobammerah. H» Ex
cellency the Shaikh has had him a " Kusr ” built near his own palace.
Mirza Jawad Khan, Matin-ul-Mulk, held the appointment of Karoavtr xt
Mohammerah till December when Aghaye Baid-ul-Mulk, the newly appointed
“l oh"s' **
Mirza Saivid Muhammad Khan tras appointed Nayib Kar^uz&ri at Vo.
hammerah by the Foreign Ministry Tehran. He arrivS * M°*
on the
Apnl and held the appointment until his death in June.