Page 622 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 622
Princlpm event*. Their Excellencies Lord and Lad
Willingdon visited His Excellency n?
Shaikh on 21st April 1018. 116
The marriage took place in March between His Excellency the 8haikh*
second son, Shaikh Abdul Hamid Khan, Deputy Governor of Ahwaz, and th*
daughter of Haji Moshir-ut-Tujjar, eldest son of Haji llais-ut Tuijar, o.I.R*
The wedding celebrations lasted about three weeks and His Excellency tV
Shaikh gave three English dinners in honour of the occasion. The first was
to a party of Naval and Military officers of Barash. Tho second was given to
the Civil and European residents of Mohammernli which was of interest
in so much as a party of 15 or more Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, etc
offioers were present from Basrah. The third was given to the officers of the
British and Indian Convalescent Depots at Mohummerah and Monsieur Roux
Trench Consul, with two French officers, were present from Basrah.
Agha Karun, 60n of Haji Qurban Ali, had again been appointed collector
of taxes of the town. Agha Karun protested his inability to accept on account
of an alleged loss of 500 tomans on last year’s Revenue. He, however, was
persuaded into accepting and paid the amount for the year (tomans 50,000).
Agha Nasrullah Khan Boir Ahmadi visited Mohammerah in May, and
was the guest of His Excellency the Shaikh. Arrangements were made to show
him the sights and places at interest at Basrah during his visit.
Earid-es-Sultaneh, the newly appointed Imperial Commissioner at London
for the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, Limited, arrived from Tehran in
September. He spent about a month in Mobammerah before leaving for London.
Sadiq-es-Sultaneh (eldest brother of Farid-es-Sultaneh) arrived from Teh*
ran at the end of December 1918. He is proceeding to Washington to take
up his appointment as Persian Minister. He was the bearer of a portrait
of the Shah of Persia which he presented to His Excellency the Shaikh on
a special occasion in the presence of a few local officials.
Monsieur Loiko, Acting Russian Consul-General at Bushire, passed through
Mohammerah en route to Isfahan.
Dr. Carlo Marobbio, late Italian. Consul at Bushire, passed through Mo
hammerah en route to Tehran via Baghdad.
In September Government handed hack to His Excellency the Shaikh his
private owned craft, the “ Bahmanshir ** owing to certain readjustments which
were made in the distribution of the River Fleet. The Inspector-General of
Communications at Basrah expressed his grateful thanks to His Excellency the
Shaikh for allowing the Military Authorities to have the use of his ship for so
loDg a period. The “ Bahmanshir ** had been extremely useful and done her
full share of work in carrying on the campaign.
The new Khazaliyeh school was opened on 5th October. The school was
built from funds subscribed1 by British, firms and. local merchants. His
Excellency the Shaikh made & generous contribution.
Representations were made to this Consulate by the local authorities that
there was a scarcity of meat in Mohammerah due to Government contractors
purchasing and taking away all live stock to Basrah for the Military. The
matter was taken up with the Military Governor and Political Officer, Basrah,
and it has been decided that Local Resources would order their contractors not
to make purchases in the immediate neighbourhood of Mohammerah unless
there is an assured surplus over the daily requirements.
The Consulate guard consisting of one non-commissioned officer and six
sepoys which was increased in April to
Consoler escort.
ten sepoy8, is still provided by the MuJ'
tary Authorities at Basrah. The guard is relieved monthly by another detach
ment and the arrangement has worked satisfactorily.
The Department worked smoolhly under Monsieur Van den Abeele
Monsieur Andrieux. The former Pr°“
ceeded on four months leave to India* o
expiration of which in September, he was transferred to jfCennanshali. Mons,
Andrieux is now Director of Customs,