Page 657 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 657


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                                      VOR THE THAU

                                    CHAPTER I.
          administration report for fars and bushire for the
                                     TEAR 1919.
              The Hon’ble Major-General Sir P. Z Cox,G.C.I.E., K.C S.I., K.O.M.G.,
                                         continued to hold charge of the office of
                     her bo nod.
                                         Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,
          but was absent throughout the year in Tehran as His Majesty’s Charg6
          d’Affairos and Special Commissioner. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel A T*
          ■Wilson, O.S I, C.M.G., C l E., D.S.O , officiated for him in Baghdad.
              The late Mr. 5. H. H. Bill held the office of Deputy Political Resident iu
          the Persian Gulf and Acting Consul-General, Bushire, tilt September ICth, when
          Major C. H. Gabriel took charge in addition to his own duties.
              Lieutenant-Colonel A. P. Trevor, C.S.I., C.IE., took over charge as
          XO/Uty Political Resident from Major C. H. Gabriel on November 6th..
              Maj-'r C. H. Gabriel was First Assistant Resident tilt November 8th whan.
          Captain D. de M 8 Fraser relieved him.
              Lieutenant-Colonel E. G. GregsoD, C.M.G., C.I E., and Major H. C. Pulley*
          Assistant Political Officers of A .and B sections, Lines of Communication^, left
          Bushire on leave in April and Captain D. de M. S Fraser formerly Assistant
          Political Officer, Striking Force, became Political Officer, Lines of Commun*
          cation, Bushire, to Shiraz.
              Mr. Vice-Consul "Worrall went on leave early iQ February and no Vice-
          Consul was appointed up to the end of the year. The post of Consular
          Assistant remained vacant throughout the year.
              Major J. McPherson, I.M.S., was Residency Surgeon and Chief Quaran­
          tine Medical Officer till June when he went on leave and was succeeded by
          Major Peebles, I.M.S., temporarily,
              Lieutenant-Colonel J. E. B. Hotson, O.B.E., LC.S., was His Majesty**
          Consul, Shiraz, throughout the year.
              Monsieur Vadala, Vice-Consul for France, left Bushire in March and was
                                         succeeded by Haji Mirza Hussain as Act*
                  Foreign repruentatirea.
              .        .                 ing French Vice-Consul who in turn left
          on sick leave in December and the French Vice-Consulate was handed  over
          to Lieutenant-Colonel A. P, Trevor, C.8.I., O.I.B.
          Vice^Co C late^hro^h ^the Bank °f Persia<held oharS* of the Norwegian
          the Russian, German and Turkish Consulate, remained closed throughout

              His Excellency Mina Ahmad Khan, Derya Begi, Sardar was Governor ot
                  UcJ                    the Gulf Ports throughout the year and
          friendliness and co-operation which were^nrSLaMe
                                                                 as s
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