Page 658 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 658
•ucceoded in stirring up tho mud very thoroughly, making wild promises to th e
rebol Khans, Shaikh Hussain and Znir Khidhar, the results of which have not
yet disappeared. 'On his return to Bushire, ho disoovcrod that his papers had
oeon tampered with and doubtless feeling. his position untenable hastily
decamped to Mohammerah. ^
Yamin-ul-Mamalik, tho now Karcuzar, arrived in Bushiro in December
tnd to oil appearances is most anxious to help and promises very well.
8alar Muffakam, Finance Controller, arrived in September and has carried
on satisfactorily so far; he, however, intended to get away before the hot
Hie Royal Highness Farman Farma held this position throughout the
year and continued to maintain his stead
Govcrnor-Genoril of Fort.
fast friendship to tho British cause.
The beginning of 1919 found the Striking Force of tho Bushire Field
Force os far as Kamarij. Nasr Diwan had
Boihlro Field Force.
just fled from Kazernn with about 100
followers towards Jirreh. The last hostile encounter took place on 24»th
December 1918 in the Tang-i-Turkan, a case of long range fire with no
casualties to the troops. The advance was slow owing to tho necessity of com
pleting a camel road up to Kamarij. The Striking lorce moved to Rahdar m
the middle of January and eventually entered Kazerun, on the 27th January.
A few days previous to the entry of the troops in to Kazerun, Salar Mohtazid
who bod been nominated Deputy Governor, entered Kazerun from Shirax
safely. A day or two afterwards Colonel Orton, Inspector-General, South
Persia Rifles, and Colonel Hot son, Consul, Shiraz, met Major-General
Douglas, C.M.G., C.I.E., and Mr. Bill, Chief Political Officer, in Kazerun
and the Bushirc-Shiraz road became open and free, and to all intents
and purposes tho objective of the Busbire Field Force was accomplished.
However, the Striking Force stayed on in Kacernn for another three months
during which small reconnaissances were made, notably to Jirreh and from
Bahdar to Dasht-i-Arjan via Bui Hayat, mainly for survey purposes.
Meanwhile Nasr Diwan who bad been bombed several times remained inf.
neighbourhood of Jirreh and stayed with Masih Khan Farsi Maidan, but
engaged in no hostile actions.
Towards the end of April the Bushire Field Force was evacuated and
demobilized to India leaving garrisons on the roads as follows;—
1 Battalion Indian Infantry.
1 Squadron Indian Cavalry^
1 Battery Mountain Artillery (less 1 section).
Administrative Units.
1 Battalion Indian Infantry.
1 Section Mountain Artillery.
1 Battalion Indian Infantry.
1 Squhdron Indian Cavalry.
1 8ection Bushire Artillery.
1 8ection Bushire Machine-gun Company.
Administrative Units.
A very modern fort was constructed in Kazerun. Posts of Jndian InfasDT
were established along the road and a system of tufangchis supervised by •
British officer, Captain S. Clegg, South Persia Rides, was inaugurated wiw*
the objeot of linking up the different posts of regular troops and to XJf*
warning of any enemy gatherings and to protect caravans from p*"