Page 661 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 661

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                                  FOR THE YEAR
               No trouble of any kind was experienced from the Kashkulis from the time
                                         the Buahire Field Force entered their
                 Farr, Tutor tad Shirt*.
                                         COU ntry till they left the Garmsir.
               The Darasliuri were “yaghi ** though they never came into conflict with
           the Force. Aynz Kikha remained with the great majority of the tribe In
           opposition to the Ilkliani Sirdar Ehtcskam, while Nasrullah Khan who had been
           appointed Kalantar by the Governor-General of Fare, and who had the tnbe
           snatched out of his hands by a coup d'etat on the part of Ayaz Kikha, was
           friendly. He, however, took no steps to try to get his own back again. In
           3d arch Ayaz Kikha wrote in to the Deputy Political Resident to say that he
           would submit to any orders given him and Lieutenant-Colonel Grcgson, C.M.G-.*
           C.I.E., was deputed to meet him in Lirawi and ho promised to either go himself
           or send his son to Bushire. He sent his son to the Farinan Farma, though no
           settlement was made. The llkbani demanded his eldest son as hostage for the
           good behaviour of the tribe when he was with the Kashkuli in Shahpur. He
           sent his youngest son, but no settlement was made and matter stood as they
           were  till all the tribes had migrated to their summer quarters when Ayaz
           Kikha was reinstated as Kalantar and still remains so.
               Early in March the Deputy Political Resident and the Darya Begi went
           to Bandar Asalu and met Soulet-ed-Douleb. He stated that he had merely
           obeyed the'orders of the Persian Ministers and leading Mullahs and therefore
           should not be punished. He suggested going up to Tehran to submit to the
           Persian Government. It was not advisable that he should go by land therefore
           he was pressed to go via Mohammerah and Baghdad hut he refused to go The
           Shaikh of Mohammerah then suggested that he should act as mediator between
           the Soulet and the Parman Parma but this was dropped as the Farman Parma
               Finally it was settled with the approval of the Government of India that
           Soulet should deposit £10,000 in the Imperial Bank of Persia in Shiraz, should
            sign a bond on oath, not to interfere in tribal politics, send his son Nasii to
            Shiraz to stay with the Farman Parma and live quietly on his own estates.
                Sirdar Ehtesham toured from Fiiuzabad to Kazerun and stayed in the
            Shahpur valley some days before moving the tribes up to their summer quarters
            He was urged to take action against Nasr Diwan but refused, as he said he was
            too occupied with Ayaz Kikha and the Darashuri.
                The Farsimaidan, though they never actually took hostile action against
            the Force, harboured Nasr Diwan and his fellow rebels and showed their
            sympathy plainly.
                The summer passed very peacefully in Shiraz. There was considerable
            irritation and discontent among the tribes with the Sirdar Ehtesham regime, as
            he extorted more than the traditional revenue out of many of the tribes. The
            South Persia Rifles were about to settle down to a period of training when a
            mixed force under Lieutenant-Colonel W. A. EL Fraser, D.S.O., M.G., were
            ordered to Ispahan to help the Bakhtiaris to deal with the famous robbers Reza
            Juzdani and J afar Quli. This expedition was a brilliant success resulting ip
            the complete breaking up of the gang and the capture of the leaders; who1  were
            subsequently executed, and raised the prestige-of the South Persia Rifles very
            considerably. The column returned to the end ob August.
                Nasr Diwan gave himself up to the Farman Farma in the middle of August*
            An arrangement was made under which be was banished to Darab for two years
            and the Qawam undertook to be responsible that he did not leave the town.
            Muhammad Ibrahim, the Ear rash Bashi, was arrested and imprisoned in the*
            Ark and put on trial. This trial is still dragging on.
                The Autumn move of the Kashgai tribe to the Garmsir passed off quietlT
             without anv incidents of importance; this is doubtless due to the presence of
             troops at Shiraz and on the road.                         r
                 Haji 8eyed Agha Moin-ut-Tujjar, the Residency Agent, has been in
                       Rc)ibeh*n.         Bchbehan all the years. In May Nasrullah
             ai« t\ t i*i         „ . it. Went on Kbairabad and
                                                                  ^ waB aeiwd by
             All Dad Jalil, one of the Boir Ahmadi Kadkhudaa,
                                                          Muzaffar Khan came and
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