Page 667 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 667
FOE TIIE TEAR 1910. 11
The most common diseases treated and in comparison w ith the two previous
years w’ere:—
1917. 1918. 1019.
Malaria . • • 6,449 6,720 4,910
Eye diseaso . . 997 856 773
Respiratory discaro . 522 903 8o2
Digestive pyetern . 1,691 1,536 1,417
Disease of connective tissue 303 163 191
Dysentery • 226 160 41
Diarrhoea 114 232 132
There were no epidemics reported nor occurred in the vicinity nor town
during the year.
There has been little variation in the number attending during the past
three years. The figures are—
In-door. Out-door. Total.
1917 63 13,895 13,958
1918 . 63 14,694 11,756
1919 63 12,711 12,76*1
The conservancy of the town leaves much to be desired.
Disposal of excreta into a series of underground receptacles which are
cleaned out at intervals is not ideal sanitation. The streets are swept by Muni
cipal sweepers who lately have been more efficient. Rubbish is used for road
making and excess dumped into the sea.
The water supply is from wells outside the town and in the case of better
class houses rain water cisterns have been built for collection and storage of
Surgical operations performed during the past three years are :—
1917 651
1918 646
t i
1919 746
Tho majority are of the minor variety.
Small-pox is endomio. Vaccination is carried out by voluntary attendance
during the cooler months of tbe year.
A. S. M. PEEBLES, Major, l.M.S.,
Residency Surgeon, Persian Qulf\
Burhibe ;
The127th May 1920.}