Page 669 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 669

                                   fOR TUB TfAtt
                                               The road between. Lingah and Lar
                     Condition of road*.   continued to be safe for trade throughout
                                           the year.
                                               Emergency landing grounds have
                   JLrlaUon Wing ground*.  been prepared at Asalu Mogham and

                      Blare traf&u.        who were from the Trucial coast have not
            bad their cases settled at the close of the year.
                The mail service continued up to the month of June to be maintained by
                                           the Persian Customs launch which plied
                     British Interests.
                                           between Lingah and Henjam connecting
            with the B. L S. N. Cov.’a steamers at the latter port. This was discontinued
            on the resumption of the subsidiary mail service.
                Since the renewal of the mail service there has been a large increase both
            of exports and imports for this port.
                B. I. S. N. Coy.'s steamers have called at this port on 29 occasions, the
            Persian Gulf S. N. Coy.’s steamers on two and Government transports on 18
            occasions during the year.
                                               No steamer of Foreign nationality
                     Foreign Intorwta.
                                            called at the port during the year.
                Turkish.—Salim -el-Kh aw ja who posed as Turkish Consul hero before the
             war and who had been detained at Shiraz arrived on the 28th January.
                He now professes pro Hijaa sympathies.
                German.—Haji Ali Germany, a former employee of Messrs. Wonckaus and
             Company who had been a prisoner of war in Indir, was released by the Govern­
             ment of India and arrived on the 19 th September.
                He is behaving welL
                The late llr, J. 31. Bill, C.I K., I.C.S., visited Lingah on H. M. S.
                                            “Lawrence” on the 21st Maych and on
                Visit* of tbo Deputy Folitbl Beeidtnl*.
                                            the 7 th May.
                                                Brigadier-General Elsmie   visited
                Viaita of tbu General Officer CorrmandiDg,
             Bashirs Fores.                 Lingah on the 7th May.
                                                His Majesty’s ships visited the port
                  Vuili of His ITajesty’s Ships.
                                            on 21 occasions.
                                                No new cases of piracy were reported
                                            during the year.
                The case of the €t Batal Zavar Prasad ” which was wrecked off Busafci was
             settled by Shaikh Mazkur Khan of Gaobandi undertaking to pay Rs. 10,000 in
             two instalments. The first instalment of Rs. 6,000 has already been paid and
             the second is due in the month of March.
                A sailing boat named 4‘ Fateh Mubarak ’* owned by Haji Abdul Husein
                      shipirrocta.          Hyderabadi of Charbar was wrecked off
             «      ,                       Kalat on the 14th August on her way to
             Basrah with a cargo of chandals. A representative of the Vice-Consulate was
             sent to the scene in order to safeguard the owner’s interests and the salved
             cnandals were handed over to the consignee’s agent at Lingah.
                On the 3rd March the Shaikh of Sirri reported that a steam launch with
                    Stranding <jf L. T. ».  nobody aboard had drifted on to tho rocks
                   ...    .    „            'vesfc of the 8irri island. His Majesty's
             jepresentatiye visited the scene and found the launch to be L T. 29 badlv
             toled iying in 3 feet of water. A report was made to D. N-T. O., Basrah, who
             lowed r^nTah^             effected temporary repairs and the launch
                The local Mndresseh has, with the introduction of a headmaster from India,
                                                                     especially in
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