Page 668 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 668


                                            CHAPTER II.

                                        FOR THE YEAR 1919.
                                                    Mr. J. G. Johnstone hold charge of
                                                the Vice-Cousulate throughout the year.
                     Kohandal Khan, the Eitimad Nizam, held charge of (he Dopufy Governor's
                            Load- oScUl..        ofir,cc ('br0USh0'lt tlj0- y°*T-

                     Kohandal Khan proceeded on two occasions on leave to Bandar Abbas for
                  a period of about four months leaving a relative of his, Najaf Quli, in charge.
                     The attitude of Kohandal Khan towards this Vice-Consulate has been dis­
                 tinctly unfriendly during the second half of the year. This was due for the
                  most part to (ho check put on him by His Majesty's representative in his in­
                 terference with the duties of the new Finance Agent.
                     His attitude towards the latter has been hostile from the start and ho haB
                  done his level best with intrigues both with Sbukrullah’s Chiefs at Bushire and
                 with the Finance staff here to effect his dismissal.
                     Kohandal Khan’s administration of his own department is corrupt in the
                  extreme with the result that he is weU hated by all sections of the community.
                     Haji Abincd bin Yusuf Khawja continued to act as agent for His High­
                                                 ness the Sultan of Muscat during the year.
                          Portico reposes Utirth.
                                                 He continued to be friendly towards the
                  Consulate and is working wclL
                     Monsieur A. Dimails held charge of the Customs up to the 23rd February
                                                 when be handed over charge to the
                                                 Armenian clerk, Carnig K. Kevorkian,
                 who was still in charge at the end of the year.
                     Relations between the Vice-Consulate and the Customs continued to he
                 most cordial during the year.
                     Shaikh Mohamcd Hasan held charge of the Finance Department up to the
                                                15th May when he was dismissed and Kal
                          Fintr-09 Depart meal.
                                                Shuhrullah appointed in his place. The
                 latter was still in charge at the end of the year.
                     This department is administered solely by the Deputy Governor much to
                                                his profit. He collects a tax of kran one
                      Raiadij-eh or Loral Ruridpality.
                                                per. house from all Persian subjects in
                 additionto the Narakeltaxea.
                                                    laristan:—-There was no trouble in
                        Condition of Um cmitn.
                                                 Las:during the year.
                              A dispute arose intthe inonth of June between the Bastakis and
                 Ashkananis.owing to a robbery having been committed by the Kharjai tribe
                 who are friendly with the Ashkananis, of 14 camels belonging to Solut-ul-Mnlk,
                 Deputy Governor of Bastsk. The latter in retaliation issued orders to attack
                 the Ashkanani caravans which resulted in several caravans of both parties being
                 robbed. Finally' the chiefs of Bastak and Ashkanan appealed to His Excellency
                 the Qawam-ul-M.ulk who -during his last tour is reported to have settled the
                     Shibhuh.—A party cf 200 followers of Shtikh Khatam of Tahiry on
                  the 23rd July raided the villages of NakhtiTaqi, Asalu and Bidhakban and
                  carried off about 1,000 goats and 170 donkeys and cattle.
                     His Excellency the Darya Begi visited Kangoon shortly afterwards and
                  the stolen animals were restored to the owners.
                                                    Nothing of any importance occurred
                          ZABf»k »ai DUbVi.
                                                 at Lingah and the district during the
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