Page 675 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 675

                                    TOE TUB TBAE
            Statement thawing comparative prices of foodstuff's, etc., prevailing in
                                Bandar Abbas in 1918 and 1919.

                             AftloW                 Priot la 1918.  Yri<»U im

                                                      Krona.         Kraut.
                                                        4J 00 HO permanod.
            Gfce#                                       £6*00   Sfl’OO  .*  M
            Sogtf                                        500   8*00
            Milk                                         4-50   4*00  jo  m
            Motion                                      10*00   10-00  »  „
                                                         0*15   *0*174 each.
            Fowl!                                       4-00    600  w
            Fish                                         8*00   2*00 per maund.
            Potatoes                                    6 00    8 00  „  „
            Oaioiij                                      1- 00   400  „  M .
            Bke                                         &D0     5 <00  „  »
            Tea                                   f     85*00   4WH>  „  „
            Wheal                                        2- 25   4*25  „  *

            Vegetable#                                        103 per ©eat. fctgtee.
                        Nora.—ITwmd equals 6-54 lbs, (Orutoiw) uni 80 lbs. {Local bar&rj.
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