Page 678 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 678


                      Tho next 6top was the elections in the various districts of the Province
                  These elections wore carried out successfully through the endeavours of Sardar
                  Nusrat and friendly Deputy- Governors, and finally the following Moderate
                  Members were eleoted
                         MosW-ul-Mulk.                 From Sirjan and Aqta Afohar.
                         Adl-ut-Saltaneb.              From Dam and Nairn anliir.
                         Rafat-nd- Dauloh.             From Jiraft and Rudbar.
                         8 Lariat Mad or.              From Rofuinjan and Zcrind.

                      The final result of tho elections was the complete overthrow of the
                  Democrat party, who had held sway in this Province Bince the commencement
                  of the Constitutional Government.
                                      I *
                         Outbreak of TPar with Afghanistan and Democrat Activities.
                      About the middle of May, the news re hostilities with Afghanistan was
                  made public. On receipt of this news, the Governor-General, local officials
                  and notables did not hesitate to express their dissatisfaction at the attitude of
                  Amir Amanullah Khan. The Democrats in Kerman again became active,
                  using as their planks the disturbances in Egypt, India and Afghanistan, and
                  were buy spreading every kind of rumour, such as the disbandment of the
                  South Pcsia Rifles, that several British officers and soldiers had been killed
                  whibt trying to break in the Holy. Shrine of Imam Reza in Meshed, and that
                  a party of British oGicers and mou had been killed in Kerbela in Mesopotamia.
                  The Democrats endeavoured to ferment riots and to close bazars. His
                  Majesty's Consul persuaded the Governor-General to take strong steps to stop
                  those troubles and to deport Muin-ush-Skariya and one or two other leading
                      The news of tho signing of the Peace with Afghanistan was circulated
                  throughout tho Province and His Majesty’s Consul received numerous letters of
                  congratulations. The failure of the Democrats in elections and their inability
                  to cause trouble during the abovementioned period has greatly reduced their
                      At one stage, there wa3 some anxiety re the safety of Mr. Medcalf,
                  Inspector of the Dehaneh B&ghi, Bam Section of the Indo-European Tele­
                  graphs. Fortunately no untoward event occurred and no damage was done U>
                  the Telegraph line.
                      Mujallal-us-Saltanoh has held the post of Kargozar throughout the year
                              Eanrenr           and his work during this period has on. the
                              ^argriar.         whole been satisfactory,
                      Revenue and Grain.—In March, Muhandis-ul-Mamalik, tho Revenue
                  Agent, arrived In Kerman.
                      In July the prices of grain began to 'show a tendency to rise, owing? to
                  the following reasons :—(i) that the harvest had been a poor one; (it) that the1
                  landowners still expected that the South. Persia Rifles would come into, the
                  market for the purchase of grain, and (m). that the Governor-General had suc­
                   ceeded in obtaining permission from the Persian Government for the purchase
                   of the Revenue grain of the Province.' The disposal of .the; Revenue grain \
                  has, as usual, caused several, contradictory orders, issuing from the
                   Revenue Minister, Tehran. The first order received ■ from the B evenuo
                   Minister was that the Revenue grain should be sold to the Governor-General
                   at the following mtea

                         KernunTown aadEnranj ,         • U| Tnmsa* per Kharwar,
                         Hearer drttricU •   ,              8*   m     VI
                         P»tanl districts, like Boa tad Hanna- ",   *
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