Page 682 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 682
1. Bathdar Abbas'Qakwn-Saidabod*Kerman.—This route is U8ed by the
Military authorities for convoys for Shiraz and KermaD. In March last* the
Government of Indio, owing to nececcity for retrenchment of expenditure
stopped all work on this roaa. His Majesty’s Consul supported by His Majesty*®
Minictcr and the Deputy Political Resident urged, without success, that this
road might be completed before the Labour Corps were withdrawn, in order to
get some return for the great expenditure already incurred on the construction
of this road. The following sections still require completion
(») Kalakun,
(»i) Tang-i-Zagh,
(tit) Gakum-Hajiabad,
and for the completion of which skilled labour will be required. After the1
withdrawal of Indian troops from Saidabqd in April, the following arrange
ments for safeguarding this route were made' by the Inspector-General, South
Persia Rifles.
At Saidabad—
Headquarters, 2nd Infantry, South Persia Rifles.
1 Troop, 1st 8. A. Cavalry, South Persia Rifles.
At Chah Chaguk—
1 South Persia Rifle non-commissioned officer, from Saidabad in
charge of small Supply dump at Chah Chaguk.
1 Rais Tufangchi.
} 0 Tufangchis dismounted.
2 Tufangchis mounted.
Local men to be paid by South Persia Rifles and to report to Saidabad.
Either men from Malikabad, or men belonging to Haji of
All Abad
1 Rais Tufangchi.
10 Tufangchis dismounted.
2 Tufangchis mounted.
Local Aliabad men to he paid by South Persia Rifles and to report
to Saidabad.
1 Company, South Persia Rifles, from 1st Infantry.
Ab Din—
2 non-commissioned officers and .10 men, South Persia Rifles, from
Company 1st Infantry at Gakum.
Ab Mar—
3 local Tufangchis, in charge of the bungalow.
To be paid by South Persia Rifles and report to Guhra.
2 non-commissioned officers and 12 men from 1st Infantry at
Bandar Abbas. To report to Bandar Abbas.
1 Rais-i-TufangchL
6 Tufangchis dismounted.
2 Tufangchia mounted.
Local men to be paid by South Persia Rifles, under Bandar Abbas 1st
I non-commissioned officer and 4 men from 1st Infantry at Bandar
Abbas. To be in charge of bungalow.