Page 677 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 677

FOB THE TEAK  1010.                       21
            throughout the Province. Up to date, there has been no hostile movement in
            the Province against this Agreement.
               In August 1918. the Governor*General received orders to hold elections
                     °                    for the Province. The first 6tep taken
                                          by the Governor-General was to call a
            meeting of the various classes for the purpose of appointing an Election Oom-
            mittco. At this meeting, the largo majority of those present were Democrats.
            Proceedings were lively, wild speeches being made by Bay id Kazim and one or
            two other Domocrat delegates recently returned from Tehran, who inveighed
            in their usual stylo against foreign and domestic enemies of Persia, who nave
            hanged, 6hot, deported and fined Kcrmani patriots wholesale since 1916.
            After several meetings aad discussions with Governor-General aud Bardar
            Nasrat, the following were appointed members of the 1 Anjuman-i-Nuzzar *:—
                 Shariat Madar.
                 8ayid Jawad.
                 Agha Ali Karuli.
                 Mirza Lutf Ali Khan.
               The rival parties are Moderates and Democrats. The number of members
            to be elected for the Kerman Province is three for the Town, including one
            Parsee Member, ana one each for the following districts :—
                 Sirjan and Aqta Afshar.
                 Bam and Ssmiashir.
                 JiruFt and Bodbaz.
                  Rafsinjanand Zerind.
                At first, the Moderate party shewed little signs of taking any interest in
            the forthcoming elections:
                In January 1919', owing to renewed pressure from Tehran, the Governor-
            General w'as obliged to hasten on the elections. Owing to the jealousy exist­
            ing between the ‘ Shcikhis * or ‘Khanzada* and connected families, and the
            • Balnsari8 * or the descendants of Vakil-ul-Mulk with their adherents, * no good
            headway was being mado by the Moderates. After several negotiations with
            Sardar N us rat anu Mukhtar-nl-Mulk, the head of the Khanzadas, His
            Majesty’s Consul succeeded in bringing about a compromise. This important
            point having been settled, the next seep was to select the proposed Moderate
            candidates. Finally, the Moderates decided to  run  the following candi-
                  Haji Mirza Murteza Asaf-ul-Mamalik   For Town.
                  MusBar-ul-Mulk-s                For Sirjan and Aqta Afshar.
                  Adl-us-Saltaneh.                For Bam-and Nannashir.
                  Rafat-ud-Daaleh.                For Jinxft and'Rudbar.
                  Shariat Madar.                  For Bafsin jan and Zerind.
                The Election Proclamation for the Town was issued on the 16th of Janu­
            ary and polling was completed by 17th February. The Democrats, who at
            this stage recognized that they had little hope of winning the elections, tried
            by every means in their power, such as * basts \ etc., to upset the Anjumaa-i-
            elect^foMhe^T^ e^0Tta            finaUy the        two Members were

                   Haji Mirza Murteza
                                                               8,999 votes,
                   Aaaf-ul-Kamalik .
                                                           r 8,830    „
   672   673   674   675   676   677   678   679   680   681   682